This month's army list challenge features 5 entrants who are all vying to have the most effective army list that is also best suited to the theme. And this months theme? To deliver a bomb in to the heart of an underground necron tomb and get back out alive; much like the old Dawn of War: Dark Crusade game.
The five entrants are: sonsoftaurus (Imperial Guard), Cthoss (Eldar), TheGraveMind (Tyranids), SandWyrm (Imperial Guard), and FoxPhoenix135 (Space Wolves). Their lists are below. After reading through them, please use the poll in the right hand column to select which of the lists you think is the most effective army list that also best articulates the theme.
Good luck to all!
Imperial Guard 1750pts Tomb Raid
Commissar Yarrick
Veteran Squad – Sgt PW/plasma pistol, 3xPlasma guns, Grenadiers
Chimera (ML/HF)
Veteran Squad – Sgt PW/plasma pistol, 3xPlasma guns, Grenadiers
Chimera (ML/HF)
10 Ogryn
10 Rough Riders
Deathstrike Tunneling Torpedo Launcher
Deathstrike Tunneling Torpedo Launcher
Deathstrike Tunneling Torpedo Launcher
The cunning plan:
Yarrick with Ogryns for a huge, tough fearless escort.
Army except for Deathstrikes advances down the tunnels together.
Banewolf and Rough Riders use their extra reach to take out clusters of crons from outside rapidfire range. Move+fleet+cav charge or 12" move+template.
Assuming by nature of tunnels, long-range fire is unlikely. Vet plasma and volume of fire from ripperguns should tear up anything that gets close, and chimera HF for targets of opportunity.
If the enemy survives that, the Ogryn+Yarrick should be able to handle things up close.
Meanwhile - one Deathstrike starts on the board and begins countdown. Either enemy fails to mass sufficiently to stop column, or Deathstrike blasts concentration.
Other two start in Reserve, and begin countdowns after they arrive, to allow for spacing out of the cover/armor/WBB ignoring blasts and keep the defenders worried. While given the scenario I wouldn't expect to see them, S10 AP1 also allows for something that could better deal with Monoliths should they come into play after all. Best case would have one blast cripple the initial defense, second one hit defenders around objective before column gets there, and third hit defenders trying to block exit after bomb planted.
On the way out, if the Ogryn are depleted and a Chimera is still operating, Yarrick joins a vet squad and gets a ride.
In a unit Yarrick should be pretty safe outside of CC, and most Necrons won't be a threat there. Even when his meatshields get removed, EW, Iron Will and his force field make him one of the toughest SOBs in the game. If nothing else, using a character with his own version of We'll Be Back should be very fun when fighting Necrons!
Autarch on Jetbike with Mandiblaster, Laser Lance and Fusion Gun: 140 points
5 Shining Spears: Exarch with Starlance, Skilled Rider and Withdraw: 237 points
--> my bomb squad. Able to move 18" each turn and packing enough punch to wipe out most Necron units in one round. Can reach a point 48 inches away in 2-3 rounds and get out again in 2 turns of turbo-boosting if necessary. Skilled Rider makes them get round corners and through tunnels without killing themselves.
Farseer: Jetbike, Runes of Witnessing, Spirit Stones, Doom and Fortune: 170 points
--> enhances the bomb squad, rides with some guardians (as he would be unable to hit and run as per Eldar Codex Exarch rules).
7 Jetbikes: 2 Shuriken Cannons, Warlock with Destructor: 207 points
7 Jetbikes: 2 Shuriken Cannons, Warlock with Destructor: 207 points
3 Jetbikes: Shuriken Cannon: 76 points
--> 3 units of Outriders to scout out the tunnels ahead of the bomb squad.
9 Warp Spiders: Exarch with Powerblades and 2 Deathspinners, Withdraw: 240 points
9 Warp Spiders: Exarch with Powerblades and 2 Deathspinners, Withdraw: 240 points
--> can jump through walls and thus hit and run Necron units. Should actually be able to engage and stall lone units of Warriors or Immortals, due to their 20 S6 shots and higher Ini in hand-to-hand.
6 Fire Dragons: Exarch with Firepike and Crack Shot, Wave Serpent with Shuriken Catapults and Spirit Stones: 231 points
Tyranid Subterranean Assault
Planting the "Living" metal virus bomb
Tyranid Prime 100
Dual Boneswords
Zoanthropes x3 180
Warriors x6 210
Scything talons, Rending claws, Toxin sacs(4+ poison)
Hormagaunts x15 120
Toxin sacs
Hormagaunts x15 120
Toxin sacs
Raveners x5 200
Scything talons, Rending claws, Spinefists
Raveners x5 200
Scything talons, Rending claws, Spinefists
Mawloc 170
Trygon 200
Tyrannofex 250
Acid spray, cluster spines, Desiccator larvae thorax swarm
Needing to disable the Necrons that lie underneath while the planet-top is stripped of biomass, a Nercrometal virus is to be release within the tombs. An Alpha Warrior is sent leading a swift pack to deliver this viral spore.
The two units of raveners can swiftly engages and tie up necron warriors early on either by pure speed or tunneling through the ground.
Mean while the Tyrannofex and zoanthrope escort the warriors and Alpha Warrior through the tunnels. The zoanthrope supplying high AP blasts at the crowded Necrons while the Tyrannofex puts three templates out that should fill most of the tunnel.
After turn one the Mawloc dives under the ground to pop up ahead of the main force, devouring entire units whole, thus denying We'll be back. Those few survivors are severed from the rest of their down comrades making recovery that less likely.
The Trygon and hormagaunts are all held in reserves. The trygon coming in via deepstrike either before or after the placing of the bomb, thus to break up the defenses and clear the path for the warriors. The hormagaunts will come in from the trygon tunnel, and further tying up necron units, making it easier for the warriors to escape.
If the hormagaunts come in before the trygon, they will work their way down the path, making sure the warriors are not overwhelmed by attacking the Necrons from behind as they try to trap the Alpha warrior.
Little fighting is needed as no Biomass will be harvested from the skirmish. Once the highly oxidizing viral enzyme has been release, the Necrons will be too busy counter-acting it. All the while the Hive Fleet takes what they need and move one quickly before retaliation and more biomass is lost.
IG Mechanized Assault: "The Screaming Iron Enema"
This list is focused on close-range AP2/AP3 killing and moral breaking with 2 HQ bomb-carriers for Redundancy.
70 Primaris Psyker
70 Primaris Psyker
165 Psyker Battle Squad (9 + Overseer) w/Chimera (ML/HF)
165 Psyker Battle Squad (9 + Overseer) w/Chimera (ML/HF)
170 Veteran Squad w/3 x Plasma, Chimera (ML/HF)
170 Veteran Squad w/3 x Plasma, Chimera (ML/HF)
170 Veteran Squad w/3 x Plasma, Chimera (ML/HF)
Fast Attack
130 Bane Wolf w/Hull Heavy Flamer
130 Bane Wolf w/Hull Heavy Flamer
150 2 Armored Sentinels w/Plasma Cannons
Heavy Support
180 Leman Russ Demolisher w/Hull Lascannon
180 Leman Russ Demolisher w/Hull Lascannon
Total: 1750
The intitial penetration into the tomb will be spearheaded by the fast Bane Wolves and the Armored Sentinels. Who should be able to chemically melt or tarpit any Necron Warriors they encounter.
Next will come 2 of the Plasma-Vet Chimeras, followed by the Psyker Battle Squad Chimeras. The Primaris Psykers will ride with these. As each new threat in the tomb is encountered, the strike force need only cause 25% casualties before weakening their resolve with the Psychic Battle Squad and sending them on their way. This should leave a large proportion of the enemy dead too far away from their kin to "get back up".
The Demolishers and the last Plasma Vet Chimera will stay back near the tomb's entrance, to guard against any Destroyers or other nasties that are summoned to reinforce the tomb. Once the inner sactum is cleared and the bomb(s) planted, these will exit with the survivors and roll off the board together with them.
Epic of Logan Grimnar, Verses 243-421
(Space Wolves)
--Logan Grimnar (who else?)
--2 Dreadnoughts with Assault Cannons
--5 Wolf Scouts with 1 heavy bolter
--4 Wolf Guard Terminators w/ Wolf Claws
Arjac Rockfist
Land Raider Crusader
--10 Blood Claws
--10 Grey Hunters w/ 2 Meltaguns
--10 Grey Hunters w/ 2 Flamers
List Total:
1750 Points
The first wave would obviously be the disposable Blood Claws, so they could satiate their thirst for battle and weaken any enemy resistance. The scouts would infiltrate past areas of resistance to strike suddenly from the rear. The Grey Hunters would be close on the heels of the Blood Claws, each squad focusing on their specialization of target. Flamers would corral hordes, the meltaguns would destroy heavy emplacements or armor.
After the initial clash, Grimnar and his bodyguards would enter via the land raider, space permitting. If the corridors prove too narrow, the dreadnoughts advance single-file to clear the way with their assault cannons and DCCWs. Grimnar and his faithful Champion (Rockfist) charge into any remaining pockets of resistance, utterly shattering them and advancing. The LRC waits to pick up the team after the planting of the bomb is complete, and makes a quick exfil.