Monday, February 9, 2009

Plaguebearer Icon Bearer Conversion

To build up three armies (mixed daemons, mono-Nurgle daemons, and Death Guard), I'm adding to my plaguebearer collection. I wanted to create a plaguebearer icon bearer using a standard plaguebearer and a banner taken from the very old palanquin of Nurgle.
The right arm of the plaguebearer was cut at the shoulder and repositioned in a more vertical position using some pinning, glue and greenstuff to hid the cut. The banner / icon was then affixed to the base and leaned against the upright, repositioned hand of the right arm. I was a little disappointed with the outcome at this stage, as it didn't look like the plaguebearer was holding the icon aloft with pride. So, I added on a third arm .... well tentacle to be honest. The tentacle was positioned just below the arm pit of the repositioned right arm. Greenstuff was used to blend the new "shoulder" in to the rest of the body and I added a couple of open wounds to the tentacle to be in keeping with the rest of sculpt. The tentacle was wrapped around the lower portion of the banner and looks like it is bearing most of the load - the result is a more dynamic looking plaguebearer that almost looks prideful of his disgusting fly icon.

Being old school, I tend to paint my plaguebearers in shades of green. But, since I know that I'll be fielding plenty of them in an Epidemius army, I decided that a few of them would be painted in other diseased colours to give variation amongst the miniatures. This one was inspired by one that is to be found in the codex. It is done in a white / yellow / light blue wash combination. After undercoating in black, a bleached bone / dwarf flesh mixture was applied as the base cost. This was followed by a blue wash to give some (unnatural) depth to the coat. Some drybrushing in yellow and off white followed. The final touches included the claws, cat-slit eyeball, plaguesword, and open sores. With the open sores, I experimented with a pink basecoat followed by a chestnut was / inking. I think the result looks like these wounds have been open for a long while rather than being fresh. The "worms" or "grubs" on the back were also done using a chestnut wash, but not basecoated pink. It certainly makes them stand out against the more pale flesh of the plaguebearer. I think that I'm going to try out a number of other approaches to plaguebearer painting in the near future.


eriochrome said...

Pretty ugly, but in a good way. Not someone to invite to meet the misses.

jabberjabber said...

Thanks mate! My wife described this miniature as "hideous". =Job well done, I feel! :)

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