Sunday, July 21, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Armoured Command Section

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️
2.5/5 stars. Rounded down. Solid, but not worth the points cost. 

Tank commanders! They regard themselves as being the creme-de-la-creme, but the regular line troops are not so secretly laughing at them. 

Fundamentally, the Leman Russ tank is a good choice. The battle cannon comes as a fixed standard, but the heavy bolt gun can be upgraded to different things (but honestly, you don't need to do that - even if multi lasers seem tasty - which they are), and you can also get a handy pintle mounted gun if you want one - this is largely personal choice territory. 

The key things that this tank can take that the regular tanks cannot are the flare shield (plausibly a solid option) and the cognis-signum (almost an automatic include depending on your set up for the tercio). 

There is no real reason for having a 50 points increase in the Leman Russ price tag for next to nothing. Sure, you get BS=4, but that's about all there is to write home about. BS=4 is not worth 50 points. Not sorry. And you're stuck with the battle cannon. 

Command Section, Cognis-Signum (220 points). 
Not worth the points overall in my humble opinion. This is just the build that I would go with - no more, no less - if you wanted to take one. Its a fluffy choice. 

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