Thursday, July 25, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Artillery Command Section

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars but rounded down here. Worth taking and reasonable rules for the cost.

Who are you going to call when you need a firing solution for your big guns? Probably the Artillery command section. Happily, they can also defend should things get a bit ... dicey?

For me, the real benefit of this unit is the option to take a cognis signum. Take it. 

The command vox and the vexilla are probably going to be standard as well.

Everything else is subject to taste. I can see a defensive role for this unit, but really, that +1 BS is going to serve you much better than anything else. 

T=3. All the same problems that other mortal units have and some commonalities with the other human troops. 

5 Troops, Command Vox, Auxilia Vexilla,Cognis Signum (95 points). 
This is the standard build to my mind. Hide them safely behind some screens and grant +1 BS where it matters. 

10 Troops, Command Vox, Auxilia Vexillia, Cognis Signum, Augury Scanner, Refractor Field, Power Weapon (155 points).
A more expanded unit meant to get stuck into some surprise defensive work. The main surprise is when they survive against infiltrating Astartes.

1 comment:

SamboR said...

love the reviews!
I wanted to ask about one thing:
Which rule allows the command section to use Cognis-Signum to give other units +1BS? Rules for Cognis-Signum say "all other models in the same unit" and Tercio is not a unit.

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