Friday, July 26, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Tarantula Sentry Battery

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. Criminally under-rated by most - or perhaps very over rated by me. Same thing really. I could almost give them 5 stars. That is, if I ever saw an entire army based on maximum Tarantulas. I'm still waiting. 

Do you remember the movie "Aliens"? The special edition? They deployed some of these beasts and they stopped so many aliens it was embarrassing. Then they ran out of ammo. And things got more interesting. There's no real difference here except that they don't run out of ammo! 

They are cheap heavy bolt guns, or las cannons, or hyperios missiles. Take your pick. I genuinely love them all. And I'm really not sorry about my love for tarantulas. 

I regard them alongside Vindicators as being the most criminally under-used in 30k by everyone able to take them. 

Critically they have both Fearless, and Firing Protocols in the FAQ - remember these rules! 

BS=2 is not great. But this is where your BS+1 gift from other parts of the Tercio come in to play. The fact that you have to target the nearest thing is also a little sad, but they are automated. You just have to get used to positioning them appropriately. But more than this - hear me out - they can actively control lanes on the battlefield. This (as an Alpha Legion player) never gets old for me. They are a denial unit that doesn't really strike that much fear, but what it gives you is board control when you need it. Don't overlook this. I've won games because of tactical positioning of these things. I've forced heavy tanks to take other routes rather than be exposed to las cannons that they don't want to waste fire power on. I've then taken care of those tanks by other means whilst holding where I needed to elsewhere. They're insanely good once you start thinking of them as board denial units, rather than stupid non-moving low-BS lascannons. 

5 Tarantulas, Lascannons, Searchlights (205 points).
I know you're going to look at the price tag and think otherwise. But 10 las cannon shots per turn for this amount of points is solid enough to consider. The search lights will help and all you need to do is figure out which "lanes" on the board you want to control with them. Or maybe just put them on top of buildings. They're really good. 

5 Hyperios Tarantulas, Searchlights (130 points).
Insanely cheap. They have heavy 3 each, and skyfire. You control the skies with these. Make no mistake. This is a force to be reckoned with. Expand to 9 Sentry guns if you're playing a larger game and this will be such a serious counter to other armies that you will end up laughing even if you have no friends left.

9 Tarantulas, Searchlights, Augury Scanners (205 points).
Maximum heavy bolter action. This unit really discourages troops in a board controlling way. Each is shooting out 8 shots at S=5 every turn. That makes 72 shots per turn. Simply disgusting. Do you see why I like tarantulas yet? They are really under the radar for almost every player, but could actually be an entire tactic in and of themselves. Please don't overlook tarantulas any longer!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Artillery Command Section

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars but rounded down here. Worth taking and reasonable rules for the cost.

Who are you going to call when you need a firing solution for your big guns? Probably the Artillery command section. Happily, they can also defend should things get a bit ... dicey?

For me, the real benefit of this unit is the option to take a cognis signum. Take it. 

The command vox and the vexilla are probably going to be standard as well.

Everything else is subject to taste. I can see a defensive role for this unit, but really, that +1 BS is going to serve you much better than anything else. 

T=3. All the same problems that other mortal units have and some commonalities with the other human troops. 

5 Troops, Command Vox, Auxilia Vexilla,Cognis Signum (95 points). 
This is the standard build to my mind. Hide them safely behind some screens and grant +1 BS where it matters. 

10 Troops, Command Vox, Auxilia Vexillia, Cognis Signum, Augury Scanner, Refractor Field, Power Weapon (155 points).
A more expanded unit meant to get stuck into some surprise defensive work. The main surprise is when they survive against infiltrating Astartes.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Leman Russ Assault Squadron

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
2.5/5 stars. Rounded up but only just. Expensive.

Slower moving. Heavier weapons. Shorter ranged. Executioners. Incinerators. They mount weapons typically seen in the space marine legions rather than the regular army. 

The demolisher cannon is great. To be honest, so is the plasma cannon and the macro-saker. Can't really go too wrong depending on the battle field role that you have in mind. 

I like the cheap extra Leman Russ tanks that you can add here, and those are worth the cost. 

AV=10 to the rear is a significant issue here.

The points cost for the initial tank is also not worth it, so you should make up for this fact through buying MORE tanks. 

3 x Leman Russ, Plasma Cannon, auto cannon on hull, dozer blade (585 points).
Same price for different primary weapons here of course. I like the dozer blade due to the shorter range on the weapons and the probably real need to move into position. I can see a case for a front mounted las cannon, perhaps a pintle multi laser, and hunter killer missile. But honestly the points cost doesn't quite justify it against the strike squadron which is where I'd be more tempted to place the missile. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Leman Russ Strike Squadron

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. Rounded up. Beware of the rear armour value, otherwise fantastic. 

These are the vanquishers, executioners, and exterminators variants of the noble Leman Russ Battle Tanks. Named after the primarch thanks to his fury, I can't help but think there should have been some Angron Tanks somewhere. Or at least Horus Tanks. Or Sanguinius Tanks. Or Ferrus Manus Tanks. Let alone Perturabo Tanks. Seriously people. Does no one like those other primarch? Even charismatic Horus?

The Leman Russ is solid. The price point here is worth it. There are multiple upgrade options. Fundamentally, the "naked" version works, but for no additional points, the quadruple las cannon is excellent. I'd really be tempted by the Vanquisher battle cannon though. Can't beat the co-axial autocannon to my mind. And it is a cheap upgrade. AV=14 on the front is icing on the cake.

Beware of your facing and orientation with the Leman Russ. The rear AV=10 is a serious concern that can lead to being very exposed by the more cunning legions and foes. 

Leman Russ, Two Turret Mounted Gravis Lasannons, front multi-laser, hunter-killer missile (160 points). 
An excellent laser tank!

Leman Russ, Vanquisher battle cannon and co-axial autocannon, front autocannon (155 points). 
Very little not to like here!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Armoured Command Section

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️
2.5/5 stars. Rounded down. Solid, but not worth the points cost. 

Tank commanders! They regard themselves as being the creme-de-la-creme, but the regular line troops are not so secretly laughing at them. 

Fundamentally, the Leman Russ tank is a good choice. The battle cannon comes as a fixed standard, but the heavy bolt gun can be upgraded to different things (but honestly, you don't need to do that - even if multi lasers seem tasty - which they are), and you can also get a handy pintle mounted gun if you want one - this is largely personal choice territory. 

The key things that this tank can take that the regular tanks cannot are the flare shield (plausibly a solid option) and the cognis-signum (almost an automatic include depending on your set up for the tercio). 

There is no real reason for having a 50 points increase in the Leman Russ price tag for next to nothing. Sure, you get BS=4, but that's about all there is to write home about. BS=4 is not worth 50 points. Not sorry. And you're stuck with the battle cannon. 

Command Section, Cognis-Signum (220 points). 
Not worth the points overall in my humble opinion. This is just the build that I would go with - no more, no less - if you wanted to take one. Its a fluffy choice. 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Wargames Gallery: Civil War

No one is certain whose side each other is on any longer. The Alpha Legion fights itself as it is coiled around its inner paradox and wheels within wheels turn before Omegon can issue the order to stay at the Emperor's side. 

Disposition as follows. 

Left: 5 jump pack legion command squad marines and 1 thunder hammer praetor;
Top Right: 4 heavy support armed with missile launchers, with 1 master of signals in the rear;
Lower Right: 2 support squad armed with melta guns;
Centre: 5 regular tactical troops and their sergeant engage a Terminator Praetor. 

Confused? I am. 

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