Three separate bloggers have awarded Warpstone Flux a Stylish Award! (At least those that I know of so far) A big thank you to
Suneokun and
Anton :)
These awards are a pay-it-forward viral campaign that really amounts to a nice pat on the back from people that I respect. Thanks guys!
As part of the award, I'm obliged to say seven things about myself and nominate a further ten blogs for the award (and now you see how viral it is!). The latter is becoming increasingly tough as many people and blogs that I regularly frequent have already received the award! Anyhow...
Seven things about myself.... hmmmm.... well, I honestly don't usually say too much about myself as my friends know who I am. Let's see:
1. I am a professional research scientist, with a Ph.D. in astrophysics.
2. I lecture in physics and astronomy at university level (maybe I was / am one of my readers lecturers????!).
3. I'm originally from the U.K., now in Australia. Both of those facts explain my shifting accent.
4. Married with children.
5. Played 40k since the Rogue Trader era.
6. Despite playing the bad guys (chaos in all its guises), I've also flirted with tyranids, space marines, eldar, orks .... in fact most of the other "races", also dungeons and dragons, settlers of catan, lego.... but I think I digress. Don't flirt with orks. They'll treat you like a grot.
7. Wonders what the question was if "chaos" is the answer? (please leave a comment!)
And now the really tough part for me: nominating others for the award. I'll apologize in advance if I don't nominate your blog: there's too many to choose between these days (my reading list is over 450 blogs long) and I think many of the ones I would have nominated have already received that award (e.g. Drax, GWPertinent, Sons of Taurus, John's Toy Soldiers .... etc., etc.)! So in no particular order:
Space Wolves. High quality blog number three(?) from Adam.
A Gentleman's Ones. Brian is very much a gentleman -- it was pleasure to work with you on the KillZone project.
3++ is the new black. Kirby et al. are doing a terrific job analyzing army lists. Much more comprehensive than my efforts, but I am still willing to help with daemons lists as time permits.
The Back 40k. The boys from the Back share an awesome perspective on the game.
Porky's expanse. Porky recently reminded me of "choose your own adventure" books with his
blog your own adventure. I decided to start my own:
Astulae. It's very incomplete and will take a long time to finish. Feel free to follow it and provide suggestions!