Thursday, May 30, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Veletaris Storm Section

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. The storm axes are very good!

This is where Horus might have otherwise trained or recruited from: this mortals are decapitation strike specialists and form the tip of the spear - the shock troops. 

The appeal here has to be the storm axes which give not only a solid (and needed) strength bonus, but also a vital AP2 along with murderous strike. Timed well, they can bring things down with ease. But you will probably want to have an opponent pinned before charging (or similar). There's some flexibility here in builds too, but if you're not taking the axes, then you might as well go big on volkite. 

T=3. Take the vox too due to Ld concerns. 

Veletaris Storm Section x10, Vox, Vexilla, Prime with Heavy Void Armour, Power Fist and Hand Flamer (120 points). 
Volkite death rays!

Veletaris Storm Section x20, Vox, Vexilla, 19 Storm Axes, Prime with Heavy Void Armour, Power Fist, and Hand Flamer (295 points).
Maximum axes. Large points value that probably isn't worth it, so whittle down to 10-15 for a better bet perhaps. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Veletaris Command Section

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. Solid enough. Dangerous with the right build at the right location at the right time.

This is where the elites of the army are to be found. Horus would happily have them on board his legion thanks to their speartip fighting techniques and preference for close combat. 

The volkite charger is a weapon that you can and should "go big" on - volkite almost demands this. 

The more interesting (and expensive) build is the ability to replace the charger with a power weapon. This gets expensive fast, but is well worth the cost! Take a transport and get into combat quickly. 

T=3. Ld is a concern in the absence of the Prime, so you will certainly feel the need for the Vox here. 

Veletaris Command Section x10, Vox, Vexilla, Prime with Heavy Void Armour, Power Fist and Hand Flamer (165 points). 
Can't go too wrong with this level of points cost. Take a vehicle and unleash volkite death rays. 

Veletaris Command Section x10, Vox, Vexilla, 9 Power Weapons, Prime with Heavy Void Armour, Power Fist, and Hand Flamer (210 points).
Imagine power axes all round. Equally, some power mauls might be acceptable here too. Lances won't be as good, nor will power swords. 

Monday, May 27, 2024

eBay this week: Dire Avengers, Beast of Nurgle, Metal Terminator Librarian, Typhus, Brother Morris

This week on eBay, I have a number of OOP items including but not limited to:

A set of 5x Eldar Dire Avengers cast in metal by citadel miniatures from the early 1990s! Check out the ever-appealing goblin green painted bases - don't judge me - everyone painted their bases in goblin green back in the day. 

A metal beast of Nurgle painted to a table top standard, but needing a new home, and a bit of love and attention for the unfurnished base as well. 

Or how about an ancient metal Librarian in terminator armour?

And Typhus in metal too! Painted to a reasonable table top standard.

And for the hard core collectors among you, I also have located Brother Morris. He's a multi-melta toting space marine from the Rogue Trader era. More specifically, he's had his entire arm replaced with this weapon. 

Plus a bunch of other miniatures from my collection that are in need of a new home so that I can make room for some more Heresy era plastics...

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Painted Emperors Children Sunkillers Squad

The final painted Sun killers squad for the Emperor's Children!

The parts are sourced from a variety of places, but the basis is the Mark 7 power armour. Mixed in there are a few resin heads from the Heresy mark era, as well as the newer Forge World alternative heads. The las cannons are from the upgrade set, and the bases are a mixture of resin basing kit, random bits, and plastic bases from the Armageddon range.

Painting follows my standard formulation for Emperor's Children: Phoenician Purple base, Xerxeus purple layer, contrast purple for the recesses, gene stealer purple for the highlights, gold accents, iron belcher for the weapons and plenty of Nuln oil washing over stuff. Decals are sourced directly from the Emperor's Children sheet. 

Pleased with the results here! They will form the long range component of my Emperor's Children allied detachment to provide long range cover for the swifter moving elements. I'm tempted to buy a new defence line for the unit, but not sure just yet!

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Companion Section

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. Solid and flexible.

These men and women are the bodyguards of the commander. Or perhaps the sledgehammer of the elites of the army that regularly accompany him or her. Or perhaps simply experienced veterans regardless of how they are decked out. In all cases they have their choice of the gear available from the stores of the army and are not afraid to use it. 

The flexibility of builds here is the absolute key to why these sections are going to be taken regularly. Sure, the WS=5 on the Adjutant is very nice and should be taken advantage of, but the unit can be constructed in many different ways. 


Companion Section, Vox Interlock, Auxilia Vexilla, Adjutant with Power Fist (85 points). 
A baseline to build upward from. The vox is almost an auto-take, and the vexilla is always good. 

Companion Section, Vox Interlock, Auxilia Vexilla, 5x plasma gun, Adjutant with Power Fist (135 points).
A plasma wall of death build. Exchange for melta guns to taste for a small add on points cost. 

Companion Section, 10 members, Augury Scanner, Vox Interlock, Auxilia Vexilla, 4x Power Weapon, 2x Flamer, 2x Plasma Gun, 1x Grenade Launcher, Adjutant with Power Fist (225 points).
The balanced, and large squad to match your Command Section?

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Tactical Command Section

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4.5/5 stars. Rounded down. You need the vox.

This is literally the command segment of your army and comes in a Tercio with an option of Companion Sections. These are the elites who dictate how to win the battle. 

Although some of the characters here have good buffs to the stat line (in particular, the Marshal is probably going to be an automatic choice for more close combat orientated squads), the real appeal for me is the vox. This allows you to "share" your Leadership value with other units that have the same. This is insanely good and a "must" buy for the unit and every other unit you can get it with. Take the Cohorts Vexilla too for Line for objective holders, or the regular Vexilla for more close combat variants. 

Beyond this, the unit is very flexible - they can take many upgrades and special weapons on each model. It is this flexibility which makes this unit rather good indeed!


Command Section, Vox, Cohorts Vexilla, Captain with Power Fist (145 points). 
A baseline entry for the backfield. 

Command Section, Vox, Cohorts Vexilla, 5x combi-melta, Captain with Power Fist (195 points).
Melta-cide squad with some staying power. Upgrade to full melta guns for an extra 25 points by all means and go hunting more regularly.

Command Section, 10 members, Augury Scanner, Vox, Auxilia Vexilla, 4x Power Weapon, 2x Flamer, 2x Plasma Gun, 1x Grenade Launcher, Marshal with Power Fist (285 points).
Lots of points, but so much potential here its scary. They can absolutely go toe to toe with marines and have a good chance at wiping a tactical squad. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Legate Marshal

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4.5/5 stars. Rounded up. You are going to take one of these, and that's just reality.

The field marshals of the far future of the Heresy. These are the commanders who have made their way to command through skill, and perhaps a bit of aristocratic blood to help. Perhaps they've been promised a planet when the campaign is concluded even. These are the men and women to whom command falls. 

The stat line with WS=5 and BS=5 is very impressive - as well as W=4 and I=4. For a regular mortal, this is almost unheard of. 

The customization is superlative here, but the price tag will add up quickly all the same.

Regardless of this, the real reason you have to take this option is for the Cohort Doctrines. This makes it an auto-include for any list, and is why I've rounded up to 5/5 stars for this entry.

T=3. Plus you probably don't want him or her to get too near pie plates. 

Marshal with artificer armour, iron halo (115 points).
Possibly a baseline option in order to keep your marshal alive a bit longer. Honestly the "naked" version is acceptable as well particularly since you're probably going to park them on the backfield or in a tank.

Marshal, master crafted paragon blade, artificer armour, iron halo, melta bombs, cyber-familiar (180 points).
A tricked out Marshal that probably is not quite worth the points the first time you encounter a vindicator pie plate. Its still cheap enough in the grand scheme of things for this army though. 

Monday, May 20, 2024

Designing an Emperor's Children Allied Detachment

My priority for this year was to construct and paint an Allied Detachment of Emperor's Children for Horus Heresy. In order to do this, obviously I had to write down my army list. Here it is, along with my thoughts. 

Conditions. I like my allied detachments to clock in at under 750 points. This is because I tend to play smaller points cost games than most. I still favour way less than 3000 points for a game - 2000, or even 1750 or 1500 is more than enough for an interesting game that can be concluded rapidly which is a key driving factor and a "must" most of the time for me personally - I know there's plenty of people out there who have the same limitations. I save 3000 points for when there's hours to spare. 

Secondly, I want my allied detachments to do something that perhaps the primary cannot -- and to generally be fluffy. This usually means taking advantage of the Legion rules in question or its special units. For the Emperor's Children, I interpret this to mean quickly moving units, taking advantage of the quick melee weapons, and for this one: a Sun Killers squad. I also wanted to show off something very Emperor's Children by taking at least one Phoenix Power Spear! 

Army List.
Phoenix Warden, Iron Halo and Phoenix Pattern Power Spear, Artificer Armour, Jump Pack (110 points). This HQ is to show off the power spear and to be a strong threat in game. I might add a melta bomb here too.

Apothecary, Jump Pack, Artificer Armour (70 points). The purpose of the Apothecary is obvious, and is probably a bit rude in this allied detachment, but it fits so well. That, and the Emperor's Children do like their Apothecaries, so it maintains my fluffy direction.

Assault Squad x11; Combat Shields, 2 Power Axes, Sergeant with Two Lightning Claws and Artificer Armour (214 points). I have to take troops, and an assault squad is the obvious selection here. Again, melta bombs to taste.

Heavy Support:
Sun Killer Squad x5, Lascannons, Novaetor with Augury Scanner (205 points). This is the unit that I could not get otherwise. Yes, I could have chosen Palatine Blades, or Terminators, but this is such a unique and strong unit that really fits with the theme of what I'm going for here: long range cover coupled with up close and personal elements. 

Total points cost = 599 points.

This allied detachment combines two very interesting elements. First we have a "standard" Sun Killer squad which is arguably one of the best in the game for lascannon slaughter that provides the long range cover. Then we have a blob of jump pack troops backed up by an Apothecary and the HQ selection. In principle, I could turn the HQ into a Praetor to add extra flexibility, but there's not much benefit to that arguably. All three warlord traits are valid for this set up, and I can see myself using any depending on loyalty. The main blob is to tear through enemy troops formations. Whether they'd want to tackle terminators is a different decision - their primary purpose is anti-troops and potentially a HQ killing element. 

Set up is typically with the Sun Killers taking a back line position of defence to fire from, whilst the rest of the detachment flies or deep strikes (or even flanks) into play as quickly as possible. 

Given that  I have some 150 points "spare" compared to my goal, I would consider adding a Sky Hunter squadron or Xihphon Interceptor to round the list out by incorporating another fast attack element, or making the assault squad larger still (it has 11 members largely because I had a spare resin body that I glued a jump pack to in order to model the sergeant - no real reason beyond that!). There's also room to add in a second assault squad if needed to create a primary detachment too, but that's not currently a priority for me. Perhaps a defence line for the Sun killers instead?

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Work in Progress: Emperor's Children Jump Pack Marine Test Model

Today's update is a work in progress. In this instance: a jump pack marine test model belonging to the Emperor's Children legion.

The colour scheme follows the standard approach I've developed for this legion including Phoenician purple base layer, Xereus purple layer, contrast paint for the recesses and then gene stealer purple for the highlighting. I've got a lot of white on this particular test model as well which I've done in an off-white colour with edgings of Nuln oil into the recesses which help give a bit of a grime accent to it. 

Standard decals have already been applied, but what I've not yet accomplish are the weathering steps. I need to put some dents, hacks, and slashes across the shield and key components of the armour to suggest further wear and tear. Similar is yet to be done on the base wherein the aim is to complement the green forge world scenery that I have in the collection. Overall, I quite like the direction this paint scheme has since is eschews the ordinary gold accents in favour of white, whilst still retaining enough gold to keep the marine in fitting with the rest of the legion. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia - Cohort Doctrines

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. Some really great customization and background fluff available through the use of these doctrines!

The Solar Auxilia can all take a cohort doctrine per detachment. There are some that prevent allied detachments, but in principle, you could take more than 1 through the use of an allied Solar Auxilia force. These rules are almost like selecting a legion for your space marines. They give them flavour and background and are well worth thinking about for customization. Below I go through them with some thoughts added.  

Solar Pattern Cohorts. This one is for your elites of the elites; or maybe the most traditional units that can trace lineage back to Jupiter. You move Veletaris (elites) to troops, grant them line, and can take the Arvus as a dedicated transport and the price one artillery and one armoured tercio. Very reasonable overall!

Ultramar Pattern Cohorts. This is for those of you who love large blobs of las weapons in close formations. Rifle sections can be selected up to 6 units worth in a single tercio (wow!) and get +1 to hit when in base contact with their friends in the same unit at the price of going on foot. I think I've said it before, but vindicators are criminally underused in 30k, so you will get away with it most of the time too!

Reborn Cohorts. Veterans who long disbanded, brought back together in legendary units. Ld+1 and stubborn is absolutely amazing for this army and re-rolling 1's to hit is similarly amazing provided they've not moved. They're a bit old though, and so have a problem with sweeping, and don't take more than one artillery or armoured tercio. 

Armoured Fist Pattern Cohorts. I think you will know what this is just from the name. Armoured tercios come as non-compulsory troops, you have to take a leman russ command tank which comes with a 5+ invulnerable and a tasty BS of 5 as a warlord trait. However, all units have to begin the battle embarked or in reserves which is a strong trade-off. 

Penal Pattern Cohorts. Somehow, the elites of the mortal worlds can also be penal criminals. Furious charge is nice to have for them, and they can replace las rifles or volkite chargers with worse weaponry to reflect their lower standing - yay? Feel no pain - even at 6+ - is actually okay for large blobs of troops here. The Veletaris is available but only once, and you don't get close order unit types. This is a cohort that wants to get up close and personal, but can readily hold ground at range too. This doctrine is ideal for anyone wanting to transfer their 40k Imperial Guard to 30k Heresy era!

Feral Pattern Cohorts. Doing what they say on the tin, the feral cohorts are fearsome - and perhaps backwards. They gain fear at a points cost increase which is absolutely worth investing in, and the counter attack they get is sweet. They have to declare charges though - they like their head hunting after all. They are also mistrusted allies for loyalists. I'd be thinking here Catachan models, or even converted Khorne mortal armies in extremis. Heck, I could just about imagine a beastman mutant version.

Siege Pattern Cohorts. Having both artillery and armoured batteries as elites and heavy support choices means you get to have lots of big tanks with guns that never tire. Re-rolling the scatter die is a big bonus here potentially. The price here is that you also have to buy a dedicated transport where the option is given. This is one for the tread heads.

Iron Pattern Cohorts. The Forge World elites who take robots. Take Castellax and Thallax as elites, get a cortex controller option on your HQs, and master of the automata. Very nice. But once again you are limited in artillery and armoured tercios. Very fluffy in my opinion and brings something extra to the tabletop. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia - Tercios and Close-Order Type

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. Rounded down - just. The baseline rules for the human elites can pack large units. They're still mortals though.

The Solar Auxilia represent the best mortal humans to take to the battlefield of the Heresy. They are spread throughout the galaxy and took part from everything in the Great Crusade through to the Heresy and feature on both sides of the civil war - hence can be taken by traitor and loyalist forces alike. 

The Tercio is the basic formation of the Solar Auxilia. In short, this allows commanders to pack a lot of units (and even more models) into a single force organization chat slot. In game, they in effect act like a single unit at the point of deployment. 

If a tercio is in formation (within 3 inches of each unit that makes up the tercio) then they can benefit from all making the same reaction. Similarly they have to also be deployed together regardless of whether it is standard deployment, deep strike or anything else. However, the rules are clear that units within a tercio don't actually have to stay in formation - they can move apart. But why would you - at least initially - when such large blobs of tercios can all make reactions together.

Close-Order Unit Type.
Critical to understanding the army list is the new Close-Order Unit Type. This allows players to move up to half of their usual rate and still fire heavy weapons as if they are stationary. This is an absolute must-remember rule for your army since you will want those lasrifles firing frequently! 

The price here is that unit coherency is a tiny 1 inch which makes your troops more vulnerable to templates and pie plates. And there's the issue with running (they can't) and reduced distances during a movement reaction. Pity suspensor arrays didn't make it to the Solar Auxilia, but they can't have everything. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

World Eaters Assault Sergeant

When I sat down to consider how to craft a World Eaters assault marine sergeant, I wanted to incorporate a good deal of dynamism into the model as well as some of the rage that the Legion has been exposed to thanks to the nails. This is the result.

The base has a sliced in half barrel for the World Eater to stand on. This naturally puts him at a bit of an angle, but this is more than compensated for by the positioning of the legs, arms, and tilt of the head.

The parts used here feature falax blades on both arms combined with Khorne berserker head to highlight the nails digging in, and a shoulder pad from the same range largely because they look cool and the legion icon is very visible. No de-chaos-ifying has been needed here at all thankfully. The model fits the brief that I had in my head when I sat down too. This readily will serve as either loyalist or traitor, depending on the need, and is one of the first miniatures for my World Eaters allied detachment that I am creating. I might add a melta bomb yet - I'm undecided!

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: The Battle for Beta-Garmon - Overview

Warpstone Flux Rating: 
1.5/5 stars. Rounded up. A mixture of flaws and highlights that I will explain in the review below. 

I have been postponing publishing my review of The Battle for Beta-Garmon for some time. Part of the reason for this is that I wrote to Games Workshop to complain about the book and wanted to hear their response. I have now given them sufficient time (over a month) and there has been zero movement. So here we are.

The good.
The background to the battle itself is very good. There are loads of little bits of detail that lore-mongers will genuinely like - myself included!

Rules for the Blackshields are amazing. Highly recommended and so tempting that I might make an allied detachment of Blackshields for fun. I'm stoked!

The reasonable. 
New rules for other legions are good (e.g. Hibou Khan, Company Command Squads and so forth). 

Similarly, the new rules presented for the Solar Auxilia (and the legion auxilia) are solid. I don't have any complaints, and there's some nice and flavourful things that players can now do with legion auxilia that I think are really good. Tempting to have an allied detachment of them too - but not right now.

The flaws.
Shattered legions are simply not playable. In fact, the designers themselves don't recommend their own rules for play! Its mind blowing that this has happened. I am so incredibly disappointed with the new rules for the Shattered Legions that I can never see myself playing them now. Even though I've got a really nice set of Salamanders, Raven Guard, and Iron Hands all made and ready. 

In the printed book that I received, the page numbering is hopeless. Two sections are mixed up, and the internal referencing is legitimately appalling. How could this have happened? I am utterly dismayed at the quality control. Yes, mistakes happen, but for a company as large as Games Workshop to go ahead with such a flaw is not a good look, even if it does happen once in a while. 

This is really a book that I had such high hopes for. It could have been utterly superb. And parts of it certainly are superb! The background, the missions, the blackshields are all superlative. I want more of this. But it is hard to overstate how incredibly sad I am about the Shattered Legions rules. Its obvious that some of them haven't really been thought through (e.g., Night Lords flaw trait sticks out like a proverbial sore thumb) and the checking every phase for changes in unit composition is a book-keeping hellscape (yes - I tried it). At this point I really must tip my proverbial hat to Alan Bligh once more. His untimely passing is sorely missed for Second Edition. First edition did it better by orders of magnitude. The page numbering was just the killer for me and pushed me over the edge to complain directly to Games Workshop. I wrote to them about these top two issues. 

They responded to my quickly to state that they have forwarded my message upward in the chain of command. 

I have heard nothing since. 

I would very much like to have a book that doesn't have the page numbering and cross referencing flaws. That would be my minimum. I could accept the Shattered Legions if it looked like it had been play tested. It really is a mess though. It needs simplification and I look forward to a future FAQ for the Shattered Legions that will make them much more playable and eligible for competitive environments and casual games alike. Almost no one is going to be playing Shattered Legions outside of masochistic small points values engagements. And I do love casual small points value narrative play myself as my long term readers will certainly know, but these rules push me beyond the will to field my Shattered Legion forces. It is possible, but no thanks. Might as well select some Blackshield rules and apply them to the Shattered Legions forces to be quite honest. Sorry to sound so negative folks. Let me finish on an upbeat note then. The Blackshields are back with a vengeance in second edition thanks to being super fluffy and narratively compelling! We will be reviewing the rules contents of this book in due course in a lot of detail. 

Friday, May 10, 2024

Wargames Gallery: Iron Warriors Assemble!

A bit of a "glamour shot" of my growing Iron Warriors force before action. Not included are the tanks and more recent additions (this was taken several weeks ago in fact). 

Still a bit of work to do before this primary detachment is declared "done"! I'm getting there now though! 

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Expurgator Cadre

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. Rounded up - just. A very reasonable entry for the final unit in the Sisters of Silence army list.

Purge with fire. Keep the knowledge of what you did secret. Or, you know, take to the open field with those heavy flamers. 

This is the equivalent of a heavy weapons squad for the Sisters of Silence. There are four main options, the default heavy flamers (reasonable enough), adrathic destructors (excellent), snare cannons (okay, but you should take the other options for the slot), and Vratine missile launchers (good). Take some compression tanks for the heavy flamers if needed and you have a nice squad that can be taken for a ride in an Acquisitor to get into position for a solid turn of firepower output. 


Expurgator x5, Heavy Flamers with Compression Tanks, Mistress with Power Sword (120 points).
Take a transport and go flame some stuff.

Expurgator x5, All with Missile Launchers, Augury Scanner (170 points).
A backfield unit. 

Expurgator x5, All with Adrathic Destructors, Mistress with Power Sword (195 points).
This will need a transport but is massively effective when you get in range to shoot. Yes, this unit is expensive, but it is worth it when you get to blast things. 

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Painted Iron Warriors Spartan Land Raider

This tank has been hanging over me for years silently pleading to be painted. The task is now done to a tabletop standard! Featuring quite a few decals, some hazard stripes, and otherwise plenty of silver and black, the Spartan land raider is unmistakably Iron Warriors.

I would be lying if I said I enjoyed painting all the rivets. I started with a few and then realized my mistake! Oh well, at least it shows some attention to detail if nothing else! Very happy with how it has turned out and I might well add on some more weathering (there's quite a lot at the lower edges of the tank, but thinking that the tracks could do with some as well potentially). Job done to a good enough standard regardless. 

Friday, May 3, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Sanctioner Cadre

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4.5/5 stars. Rounded down. Love this unit and I'm not sorry!

Snipers on the open field. And executioners when working alone; seeking to take out those psykers whom the Sisters have earmarked as being too dangerous to take in alive.

Think of this as a cheap sniper squad, and you have the right idea. They come armed as standard with nemesis bolt guns which they fire with BS=4 and therefore makes them highly attractive. These can be swapped out for Vratine Nemesis Bolt guns which gives you access to psy-shock at the cost of a pip in strength. If you're facing a psychic army like certain builds of Word Bearers, Thousand Sons, and similar, you're just going to make your friends cry. I'd be tempted to slot in an augury scanner to round out the unit, and if you're feeling that they're going to be too far forward, then take a power sword on the Mistress for a bit of added self defence. 


Sanctioners x5, Augury Scanner (95 points).
The base build. Can't go too wrong with this as the battlefield role is clear, obvious, and the points cost so very attractive.

Sanctioners x5, all with Vratine Nemesis Bolt Guns, Augury Scanner, Mistress with Power Sword (130 points).
Your anti-Thousand Sons build. And look at the points that it clocks in with. Still very attractive!

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Termite Assault Drill

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. Its amazing that the termite comes as a standard fast attack slot in the Sisters army list. 

Tunnel through the ground and then burst upward with righteous fury! Great for assaulting any fortified positions that the enemy might have going! Great that is can also scatter enemy forces upon emergence without waiting for their cargo to deploy. 

Most of this review is identical to the Legion list, but of course here the Termite comes with the Chamber of Vigilance rules. 

Termites provide an underground alternative to deep striking units in to play. One of the chief advantages here is that the player can cause them to erupt near enemy units and score hits on those units at a significant strength (but AP=4). 

Unlike drop pods, the termite can continue to move after launching its deep strike (subterranean assault move) and fire its weapons and so forth. 

I genuinely like this manner of assaulting and it works well if you have just one of them, and perhaps use it in conjunction with more traditional deep strike units to create an underground and overground pincer movement. Maybe that's just me though (I've had good success with this using my Alpha Legion). 

Rear armour is 10, and do carefully read the subterranean assault rules if you have more than one of these units as you will see that the enemy can take control of your deployment on an unlucky roll.

There are only 2 upgrades to consider - the replacement of the two sets of twin-linked bolters with either twin-linked volkite chargers, or heavy flamers. Candidly both of them work nicely against nearby enemies - and why wouldn't you have nearby enemies if you've emerged on top of, or close to them! I kind of like the flamers ever so slightly better as I think in some situations you can score more hits, but also they act as a nice defensive arrangement as well. Equally, the volkites have the superior range for after that first turn after emerging I guess. A tough choice really. Points cost effective overall in the main part for me.

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