This month, there are 5 entries to the
army list challenge. The challenge was to design a themed 1500 point army list that on the surface looked quite weak, but in reality could pack a decent punch in order to lull the enemy forces in to a trap.
A poll has been set up to vote for which list Warpstone Flux readers consider to be the most effective army list that also best articulates the theme (whatever you interpret that to mean). So, have a browse through the lists (below) and vote for the winner.
This is something I've decided to work on as a small army at 1500 points. a total of 19 figures and tanks to be exact.
Lord Shaper (Death Wing)
I've been putting together a Deathwing force after the constant viewing of Ron's over at From the Warp.
Belial - LC - 130
Interrogator-Chaplain Terminator Armour SB - 145
Deathwing Terminators CML 5x TH/SS - 235
Deathwing Terminators 3x SB 4x PF and 1 AC. Sarge has PW/SB - 245
Deathwing Terminators 3x SB 2x PF and 1 AC. Sarge has PW/SB 1x LC - 245
Heavy Support
Land Raider - 250
Land Raider Crusader - 250
Total being 1500
This has potential but only as long as I can hold an objective and fight off the hordes.
I haven't tested it yet but it should be fun!
Suneokun (Tyranids)
Spawning Ambush!
***Imperial High Command CODE GAMMA***
We have a confirmed report that a Tervigon nest has been located in sector 3, dispatch an assault force for locate and destroy.
He sees all.
The bait, based in the centre of the board in a bunker, the Tervigon effectively hides and spawns for all its worth. With little Line of sight, Regen and catalyst it's survival chances are good:
1 Tervigon with regeneration and catalyst @ 205pts
The Ambushers, these boys are all designed to either hits from the flanks or deep strike, after some playing around, I decided against monstrous creatures - after all the MC's the bait:
Parasite of Mortrex 160pts
13 Genestealers with Toxin Sacs 221pts
13 Genestealers with Toxin Sacs 221pts
13 Genestealers with Toxin Sacs 221pts
30 UberGargs (toxin sac and Adrenal Gland Gargoyles)240pts
30 UberGargs @ 240pts
Simple, but not wildly effective. These ambushers are designed to swarm the enemy very very quickly indeed. The Gargoyle units either arrive together, under the aegis of the Parasite or if the 'dumb' unit arrives first, they deepstrike in support of the Tervigon.
The Gargoyles can lay out a whopping 32.5 wounds on T4 opponents and then the Parasite rolls in with his S6 rending hits and ripper making.
The toxin sacs enable the Genestealers a reroll on their to wound on T4 and below models ... giving them double the chance of rolling a 6 to rend. They flank for maximum impact, their number selected for maximum damage taking without a leadership test.
On the charge they 'could' land 26 hits, rolling an average of 8 rends against T4 opponents.
The weakness ... well tanks obviously. I could use the parasite and genestealers and hope for a rend ... but it's not good.
But it would look, well - awesome!
d6 (Dark Eldar)
Deploy the serpent, reavers and a squad of kabalites. Move the reavers around in front of them hugging cover and their turbo speed screens. slowly move back your reavers as the enemy advances then WHAM! use low orbit raid and use all of your really expensive heavy weaponry. After only some hardcore tanks are left disembark your kabalites and use the vehicles shock prow to send them to the ground.
Duke Sliscus The Serpent…………………………………………….150
5 incubi……………………………………………………………………....195 Raider w/ flickerfield, Shock Prow, Torment grenade launchers, Enhanced athersails & Chain snares.
10 Kabalite warriors…………………………………………………...210
1 blaster & a splinter cannon. Raider w/ flickerfield, Shock Prow, Torment grenade launchers, Enhanced athersails & Chain snares.
10 Kabalite Warriors…………………………………………………..215
1 shredder & a dark lance. Raider w/ flickerfield, Shock Prow, Torment grenade launchers, Enhanced athersails & Chain snares.
10 kabalite warriors……………………………………………………210 blaster & splinter cannon. Raider w/ flickerfield, Shock Prow, Torment grenade launchers, Enhanced athersails & Chain snares.
Fast Attack
5 reavers…………………………………………………………...……….142 Heat lance, Arena Champion
5 Scourges……………………………………………………………...…..152 Heat lance, Blaster. Solarite w/ venom blade
Heavy support
Ravager……………………………………………...……………………...130 1 Disintegrator cannon, Night shields, Flickerfield & Enhanced athersails
total: 1,404
DimmyK (Tau)
Tau hunter cadre
Transmission begins
"Engaging some of those enemy stealth hints sir!"
"They've destroyed our transport sir!"
"Attack em boys..."
Ten seconds later...
"they're all around us sir! What shall we do? They appeared from nowhere honestly!"
Last transmission from sgt peters
Shas'o with bodyguard team, shas'o with cyclic ion blaster plasma rifle shield generator, crisis suits fire knife configuration with multi-trackers 244 pts
stealth team with fusion blaster, marker light drone 112pts
Crisis team, fire knife config with multi trackers exept team leader with fusion gun, flamer and target lock 165pts
6 fire warriors 60pts
10 Kroot 2 hounds 82 pts
10 Kroot 2 hounds 82 pts
Fast attack
3 vespids with strain leader 70pts
Piranha burst cannon 60pts
Pathfinders 6 two with rail rifles with devilfish 158 pts
Heavy support
2 broadsides 140 pts
Ion head with smart missiles 125pts
Hammerhead with smart missiles 170pts
1468 pts- so there's room for tailoring
How I see it is the stealth suits infiltrating (possibly with kroot), fire base set up at the back (hammerheads and broadsides) and also set up pathfinders in their fish in place with good line of sight-more on that later. A space marine column coming in or any other army of course, transports are quickly shot down so they try to footslog it into assault with the closest target (stealth suits) and then everything pounces on them from all sides- outflanking deep striking etc... This is where the pathfinders come in. They not only markerlighht but also reroll deep strikes that are in their line of sight, something I haven't seen anyone do yet. Now some of you are probably wondering at the vespids, but to pop in and kill a few marines, ESP devastators/long fangs their gr8, strike where the enemy is least expecting!
schuelerliu (Imperial Guard)
(1) CCS (150pts)
HW Team(AC), 2xSniper, Astropath,Master of Ordnance, Camo Cloak
(2) Infantry Platoon (180pts)
PCS w/ 4xFlamer, BoltPistol (point filler)
2xInfantry Squad w/ HW Team(AC) & GL
(3) Veteran Squad (155pts)
3xMelta, Chimera (ML & HF)
(4) Veteran Squad (155pts)
3xMelta, Chimera (ML & HF)
That was the sitting duck part of my IG Company. The CCS / Infantry Platoon is just hiding on the objective and putting down fire on the enemy. The PCS is there for some close combat / counter assault capability.
The Veteran squads keep back a bit and waits for the "fish" to come for the bait.
(5) Storm Trooper Squad (179pts)
Sgt w/ PW + 8xStormies w/ 2xMelta
(6) Storm Trooper Squad (179pts)
Sgt w/ PW + 8xStormies w/ 2xMelta
Fast Attack:
(7) Scout Sentinel Squadron (120pts)
(8) Scout Sentinel Squadron (120pts)
(9) Vendetta Gunship Squadron (260pts)
2xVendetta w/ TL LasCannon
Total: 1,500pts
These units stay in reserve or can use their scout move the come into position. While the Veteran Squads are the "Welcome Commitee" for this party and give the right "Melta Accommodation". The Stormies (...I just love the models and the HE laserguns), Vendettas and Sentinels are responsible for the BBQ.
While this list is quite low on tanks and the CCS+Platoon is going to stay static, the rest of the force is quite mobile and will hit quite hard when they go into combat. I guess it isn't much fun anymore to come into range of 11xAC/ML, 10xMeltas, 4xFlamer and some decent small arms fire by 61 reckless soldiers.