Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Tartaros Terminator with Power Maul / Mace

I've borrowed a little bit of inspiration - and bits - from the Dark Angels range for this terminator conversion. The basis is a normal Tartaros Terminator in plastic, but with a right hand swap for a Dark Angels power weapon. 

The difficult part of the conversion is the ranged weapon. Here, I have taken the combi-bolter and attached it to the left hand of the sergeant's power sword hand in order to create a left handed ranged weapon. This involved some careful slicing of the hand away from the power sword, and disguising it through an appropriate pose where the focus is on the melee power weapon.

This marine will be part of my World Eaters force (allied detachment) that I am constructing. 


anvilward88 said...

That is probably one of the most frustrating parts of converting HH models for me is that it's all opposite hands that hold ranged/melee weapons. Think it's intentional?

jabberjabber said...

Not sure how intentional or not it is. Maybe?
But it is very annoying. The sergeant from the Death Wing Dark Angels terminators does have a left handed storm bolter as well, so its certainly not just this range.

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