Friday, June 21, 2024

Scratch Testing Emperor's Children

I have been experimenting with some scratch marks and making some elongated scrapes in this latest addition to the Emperor's Children.

On the shield are several long scrapes done by dragging a sponge with black paint across the surface and then filling in some of the interior with silver. The same has been done on the edge of the shoulder pad, but not nearly as streaked. 

I always get a bit confused whether to do black on the outside like I've done here, or whether to have silver on the outside and black inside for a deep scorch. I think that the black exterior looks good though, and it can be seen on multiple places, including the helmet which I think it suggestive of ducking an explosion nearby. This squad is rapidly nearing completion now. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Surgeon-Primus Aevos Jovan

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️
2/5 stars. A peculiar mix of rules within a unit and a unique character.

Tried for being far too unorthodox in his medical techniques, Aevos is also a genius. Or madman. He probably would have been great among the Emperors Children to be honest. Regardless, he got a reprieve from execution and now serves in the Solar Auxilia where he is regarded in awe for his surgery, and similarly feared. 

I don't quite know what to make of this unit. The man comes with an Auto-Gurney which once per turn might save a man that otherwise would perish within a certain radius. You can also sacrifice Orderlies to help nudge the outcome of the surgery in a certain direction. 

T=3.  BS=WS=2. He's not a fighter and this is not the reason you're buying him, even though he comes with a needle pistol. 

His infamy also means that there's a Ld-1 penalty within the same radius as the auto-gurney. He's also a low priority target to enemies and cannot be targeted by shooting or reactions unless within 12 inches. 

Honestly, he's a mixed bag. You'll be taking him for fluffy reasons, and frankly, why not. 

Aevos Jovan, with 3 Orderlies (75 points).
Might as well take the maximum number of orderlies permitted I think. It is an expensive unit for what it does. You probably won't see him on the field often, so relish the times that you do.

Monday, June 17, 2024

eBay new items this week: Eldar Job Lot, and Domains of Dread

Some new items this week on eBay for folks who might be interested. I've got a job lot / bulk purchase set of classic era Eldar that needs a new home. This includes the boxed set for the Eldar Guardians, an Avatar, a Warlock, Walker, and a variety of other bits and bobs - mostly metal, but plastic arms. 

And I'm also selling Domains of Dread from ADnD second edition Ravenloft. I've had this one for decades, but its not even been used more than a couple of times (I can count them on one hand!). I hope this one in particular can find a new home as it is in a really good state overall!

I've also got a bunch of re-listings that need a new home and some tlc - check them out. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

World Eaters Conversion: Power Maul Jump Pack Marine

I am always impressed by how even a small conversion or bit swap can change the whole demeanour of a miniature. This is one such case. 

This particular fine specimen has only two changes. The first is the power maul right arm which is taken from the Dark Angels terminators range. The second is the head which is from the Khorne 40k range. There is a little problem with the maul if you look closely. The size of the fist is too large - ever so slightly - for the Heresy range. This is because it is a terminator sized hand. However, I think it still works as a World Eaters jump pack marine for the Heresy range - he's clearly just been flexing a lot? The bit itself really suits the World Eaters - the post is one of sheer barbarism combined with a wicked looking maul that even the Lion might be embarrassed to see his sons utilise once in a while. 

The base has cork on it, with a resin topper to give it a bit of extra height. Overall the miniature is a simple conversion but certainly communicates the violence incarnate of the World Eaters legion through and through. I could easily imagine this marine knocking his opponents off their feet and flinging them to the side with a killer dent in their torsos. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Medicae Section

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars, and rounded up. Great points value, and a great way to sneak in an extra power weapon or similar.

Combat medics. They're good for preventing disease according to the background (who knows what spores lurk on alien worlds, after all), treating wounds, and administering the last rites. 

They can join any unit and GAIN their special rules which makes them highly flexible. The reason for taking them that many will be drawn to is the Auto-medicus which provides feel no pain. Given this is only at 6+, its not fantastic, but might make the difference once in a while.

What I really think is an over-looked benefit here is the ability to sneak in an extra power weapon, power fist, or similar in to a squad. This is excellent and not to be overlooked. 


Medicae, Power Weapon (25 points).
This is the build that I would recommend taking. Strictly the power weapon is not needed, but the feel no pain is so limited, that I feel taking the power weapon is almost an automatic choice here.

Medicae, Reinforced Void Armour, Power Fist, Hand Flamer (37 points).
Cheap enough to take. I'd even be tempted by a plasma pistol if the mood takes you. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Veletaris Vanguard Section

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. Good short range shooting unit.

If the storm section is the up close and personal elites of the Auxilia, then the Vanguard have the weapons for a close in fire fight. In essence, they carry the heaviest weapons on foot that mortal troops can manage on their own two feet. 

Rotor cannons or heavy flame units? Both have excellent use cases. The rotor cannons are longer range and can pin your opponent. The heavy flamers might only be template weapons, but are powerful when positioned well. Small units of either is viable, although withering firepower from a large blob is deadly. Mixing and matching is a potential option too. 

T=3. Take the vox too due to Ld concerns. 

Veletaris Vanguard Section x10, Vox, Vexilla, Prime with Heavy Void Armour, Power Fist and Hand Flamer (120 points). 
Probably the base line entry. Feel free to switch to heavy flamers - no points cost alteration involved. 

Veletaris Vanguard Section x20, Vox, Vexilla, half/half with rotor cannons and heavy flamers, Prime with Heavy Void Armour, Power Fist, and Hand Flamer (200 points).
Maximum unit size, and a mix of weapons. Half-half is about right, and in most cases will be overkill. I can see a case for slightly more rotor cannons than heavy flamers if someone is truly wanting to go overboard with over-thinking things: 13-7 in favour of the rotor cannons might be good?

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Wargames Gallery: Alpha Legion Front

Pushing deep into the overgrown remains of an Imperial outpost, the Alpha Legion advances with air support, hard terminator dreadnought armour, and a sniper located at a key location - just in case. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Emperor's Children Axeman

Thanks for stopping by. The painting of the Emperor's Children assault squad continues, with one of the two axe wielding marines of the assault squad complete.

I think what I like the most here are the scratched and accents in the dabbed black. This was done using the sponge technique and some cuts of silver applied to their very centre to suggest the scratches and markings going quite deep down. I like the decals as well - they really add a sense of the regal to the Emperor's Children and almost show off the legion's inner care about how they look on the battlefield. 

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