Friday, June 28, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Line Command Section

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. Rounded up - but only just. You're taking it because of the essential Vox. 

Lead from behind. Usher the rifle sections into position. Try to interpret the commander's orders. Get stuck in the middle somehow. Not a great life, but also not the lowest of the low.

You are going to need to take this unit because of the Vox. That're really all there is to it. This unit comes in the Infantry Tercio along with the Rifle Sections and you can get up to 3 of the latter and 1 of the command section per tercio. 

There's some options for upgrades here, but fundamentally this is a ranged unit that will have the vox for utility. They are strictly worth their points, and you have the option to have some blades in here as a deterrent. 

The stat line is poor for everyone who is not the Troop Master. These are basic humans with low leadership and average weapons. 

10 Line Command, Command Vox, Auxilia Vexilla, Augury Scanner, Troop Master with Power Fist, Refractor Field, Melta Bombs (150 points).
A reasonable price tag and a reasonable command unit. 

5 Line Command, Command Vox (75 points).
The bare minimum. My view is to take the variant above as I doubt you'll be scraping for 75 extra points to save? Maybe?

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