Monday, March 10, 2025

Unboxing: Iron Warriors Warsmith Terminator

A little something arrived in the post today: the newly released Iron Warriors Warsmith in Cataphractii Terminator armour! 

I thought readers might like to see the unboxing of this one.

The first image is of the outer shell of the box itself. For the curious, it measures 14cm tall by 9.5cm wide to the outer edges of the plastic shell. 

The forge world resin contents are shown in the second image. That graviton crusher hammer is absolutely almighty. The sheer size of it is bewildering. And probably spells contempt for any budding Imperial Fists. I don't quite know how taken I am with the side arm of the combi-grav, but for the sheer rule of cool I'm happy to pay the points cost!

I think my only gripe is that the striding version of the model with the hammer in both hands is a Warhammer World exclusive. That said, this one is still posed very nicely to survey the battlefield and lead from the front, so who am I to deny it is a beautiful miniature. Its certainly going to be leading my Iron Warriors going forward - once I assemble and paint it of course!

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