Sunday, September 22, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Clade Vindicare Assassin

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3/5 stars. Expensive, but gets a bonus star for the rule of cool. 

These are the marksmen (and women) supreme. They position themselves with a good vantage point and then pick out their chosen target to be taken out at range. And that range is incredibly large. 

BS=8 means that you won't be missing much. This is backed up with the trajectory auspex array which ensures that the model's shots are not impacted by any modifier to range or rolls to hit - this is immense. 

The rifle itself - dubbed "Exitus" - gives one heavy shot at AP=2 and combines rending and murderous strike. Strictly, this makes the Vindicare a better shot than most Primarchs. 

He won't be taking out multi-wound models with invulnerable saves (at least, some of the time), so the Vindicare will likely be targeting squad sergeants, special weapons operatives, and similar. To be clear: the Vindicare is not going to be able to assassinate a Primarch - the rate of fire here is too low, and the strength only moderate. If it were S=8 and had something to negate invulnerable saves then this would be an amazing pick. As it is, the model suffers something of the same fate as Exodus in the Alpha Legion - a notably good marksman, but points cost inefficient. 

There are no builds available to discuss for the Vindicare. I'm awarding 3 stars here instead of 2 simply because of the rule of cool. In small points games, the Vindicare will be great. In higher points, its doubtful. 

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