Friday, September 27, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Clade Eversor Assassin

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. Rounded down. The only assassin worth taking to be candid with you.

Implanted with sensors. Beefed up on training. Administered with frenzy in chemical form. Held in a state of uncaring wrath. Drop inserted from orbit. If Khorne had an assassin it would be an Eversor. In fact, the loyalists of the Imperium are luck to have them. I guess its just an expression of the grim dark nature of the empire of man. 

At I=6, these assassins are going to be striking before anyone else gets a look in. But when combined with the tactical displacement special rules, they also move very far indeed. In tandem with infiltrate and scout, its an assassin that will work (even with an escort). 

The Frenzon cocktail will increase their attacks by 3, at the price of causing a (savable) wound on 1's to hit. Use it on your first charge to take out a critical target or unit, and then choose whether to use it again. 

The executioner side arm is nice in the sense it provides and option between a bolt pistol and a needle weapon. The latter causes pinning which is tasty. Meanwhile you get a choice between a power sword or a neuro-gauntlet. Fleshbane, shred and rending are a great combination if you don't fancy the power sword. You're basically paying S-1 for those extra rules whilst maintaining AP=3. Hence you can even chase 2+ armour saves occasionally. But really: this assassin is made for taking out marine squads. And it can certainly do so with ease. I'd be tempted to charge it at a heavy support squad or tactical support squad for full effect. 

The extra wound compared to other assassins is nice to have here, but they are still squishy. You're also going to have to play tactically around incoming firepower when you charge. My thought is to ensure you get another unit to charge first at the target.Oh, and then they die, they also explode, just for added measure, thanks to biological overloading. Yay?! 

There are no builds available to discuss here. This is, however, the most functional assassin for the points cost being paid and comes recommended by me. Its also very grim dark for the loyalists among you.

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