Monday, August 5, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Malcador Heavy Tank Squadron

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. Tanks!

What did Malcador ever do for the Imperium of Man?He had a tank named after him, of course! These heavy tanks are an ancient design and were pressed into hard service during the Heresy by all sides. 

Alongside plenty of customization (did you say lasers all around?), there is a fine choice of main weaponry as well. The battle cannon comes as standard and is generally okay. The two las cannons are great at tank killing. But I think the winner is the Vanquisher battle cannon on the front. 

The heavy bolt gun replacements are equally fun, with a large array of possibilities that are all tempting - probably except for the heavy flamer. 

The side mounted heavy bolt guns are similarly tempting to replace. Again, the heavy flamer is not so much attractive to me personally, but the others are interesting enough. Just take a pintle heavy flamer if you must. You will probably want a flare shield to round it all off, and a dozer blade to taste. 

There's certainly a debate to be had here of the Malcador versus the Leman Russ. The points cost here is not quite as efficient, with the front armour differential being a case in point. Note also that the vanquisher is much better situated on the Leman Russ, so you might just want the lasers after all. 

Malcador with battle cannon, hull mounted autocannon, and side mounted autocannons, flare shield (250 points).
Probably the baseline entry.

Malcador with two front mounted gravis lascannons, hull mounted las cannon, side mounted las cannons, flare shield (295 points).
When you like lasers and hate enemy tanks sufficiently to want them destroyed on your turn. 

Malcador with Vanquisher battle cannon, hull mounted las cannon, side mounted auto cannons, flare shield (270 points).
Strictly the Leman Russ is better here, but I still like it. I'm biased. 


Banebrade said...

I am surprised there is no loadout with the demolisher cannon on the front. Is that just making it to expensive to bring at that point? I like the idea of running these tanks with autocannons that is how I am doing my three Leman Russ tanks.

jabberjabber said...

The demolisher cannon is good, but you are right that it does make the overall points expensive - doubly so given that the front AV=13. Its a gamble, but one that is often worth taking IMHO.

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