Saturday, July 13, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Arvus Transport

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️
1.5/5 stars. I've rounded down, sorry. Unarmed and barely dressed, its a crash waiting to happen.

This is a shuttle. It is generally used to ferry passengers from ship to ship, or from planet to ship, and back again. It certainly is fluffy and sees plenty of use in the galaxy. I can see why the Auxilia would also use it. Just about. 

It flies? 

It deepstrikes. There, I have a positive. 

Then I'm struggling. 

Capacity is limited to 12. For this army that's a real issue.

It is unarmed. This is not unexpected given the civilian and other uses it has. And yes, I will freely admit its fluffy in that regard.

It got out of bed, but forget to change out of pajamas/nightdress. AV=11 at best with 2 hull points means that its going to get shot out of the skies very quickly. Sure, that movement rate of 20 is very nifty, but you're going to have to bring your top game to prevent it being a smoking wreck on the shoreline very quickly. Its taking up a fast attack slot that would be better used for other selections. And the points cost is not quite worth it either. Sorry folks, I can't justify this one much outside of fluffy reasons. Even so, I'd love to see loads of them on the battlefield one day. Anyone able to show me some pics of such an army? Genuinely would love to see it. 

Arvus Transport (75 points). 
No options. Just the pajamas/nightdress version. I wish you lots of luck - very genuinely. 

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