Thursday, October 24, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Blackshields Oath: An Eternity Of War

Warpstone Flux Rating: 
3/5 stars. Madmen who want to be in combat, but suffer when they are not. I'm not convinced the benefits quite outweigh the drawbacks, but extra marks for fluffiness?

These are marines who have totally lost it. They might as well be chanting blood for the bloody god. But they've not trod that path - arguably. They're just battle mad. Ideal for any blackshields that might have fell to Khorne outside of the World Eaters, proto-chaos space marines, or just crazies. 

Rules Evaluation. 
The benefits of this are really interesting. If your unit fails a morale check due to incoming fire, then you get to make a consolidation move. Great! You also count any wounds from (successful) charging reactions in the player's favour for combat determination. Also great: you get cut down but actually that's a big bonus. However, the penalty here is severe. After turn 1 unless you're in combat that round or locked, then you're taking wounds. Invulnerable saves can help, but there are several questions to be addressed here.

The main question is how you are going to get into combat in the first place. And stay there. You've got to think about those speedy opponents as well who will run circles around you all day. And those that are spread out a lot. The consolidation moves will only get you so far. Otherwise, how are you going to survive? Maybe lots of cataphractii? I don't know honestly. I'd give this oath less stars out of 5, but I do like its fluffiness factor!

Combinatoric Analysis. 
The Eternal Vendetta⭐️⭐️⭐️. 3/5 stars. This one gels really well, albeit at the cost of limited applicability which is why it only gets 3 stars from me. 

Panoply of Old⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. 4/5 stars. Go on, take those chain axes from the World Eaters armory. Khorne insists. Or how about some power daggers from the Alpha Legion for those extra attacks in close combat. Great value to be had here across many legions. 

Only in Death Does Duty End⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. 4/5 stars. If you're going to lose wounds, you might as well lose lots of them. Good luck! But compelling!
The Spoils of Victory⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️4/5 stars. I like this a whole lot. Plenty of oath breaking all around and stealing from the dead. You are a crazy pirate with this combination. 

The Flesh is Weak⭐️⭐️. 2/5 stars. Crazed automatons that just want battle. Not sure how I feel about this overall. Khorne necron conversion opportunities perhaps. Someone must have a better interpretation of this combination than me. 

The Legacy of Nikaea⭐️⭐️⭐️3/5 stars. Crazy psykers is a reasonable combination. Not so sure about the warp torrent psychic power being too useful though. 

The Broken Helix⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️4/5 stars. Crazed clones and monsters works splendidly to my mind. Corax really stuffed up didn't he. 

In Disgrace All Are Equal⭐️⭐️⭐️3/5 stars. An average combination that might well work. Petty warbands all collecting together as mad men to bring about their own end? Sure, why not. Not top of my list, but its actually okay. 

Pride is our Armour⭐️. 1/5 stars. Renowned veterans who go crazy is not unreasonable. Its just the word "pride" here - why are you proud of your armour, and then you're also crazy. Not working well for me. 

The Taint of the Xenos⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. 4/5 stars. Crazy marines who like xenos weaponry is very reasonable! Lots of xenos halo blades in a veteran squad would be very nice I suspect. 

The Weapons of Desperation⭐️⭐️⭐️. 3/5 stars. Crazy desperadoes? Yes. Lots of yes. Just not much overlap with the ranged weapons and the close combat upgrades you'd ideally want though. 

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