4/5 stars. Good rules, but perhaps not quite the same as the previous edition. The extra BS pip really helps them shine and makes them worth taking overall.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Horus Heresy 2e Review: Iron Havocs
4/5 stars. Good rules, but perhaps not quite the same as the previous edition. The extra BS pip really helps them shine and makes them worth taking overall.
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Half Squad of Heresy World Eaters
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Heresy Pre-orders Day
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Another painted World Eater with Jump Pack, Chain Axe and Bolt Pistol
Monday, February 17, 2025
Horus Heresy 2e Review: The Solar Auxilia Legiones Auxilia
White Scars: Good. Feel no pain in your deployment zone or on top of an objective is solid.
Friday, February 14, 2025
Lotara Sarrin and Angron Transfigured!
What a surprise reveal today in the Warhammer Community! No less than Angron Transfigured into daemon primarch form! And as if that was not enough: Lotara Sarrin herself as Captain of the Conqueror.
I really like the Lotara miniature, but will freely admit to being very curious about her rules / ruleset. As a mortal, she is probably not exactly going to last too long, but she does have a very storied history analogous to certain other mortals in the Heresy (without naming names, there's some preachers of the Emperor that should get mentioned, and although not mortal, I wouldn't mind seeing some rules for characters like Grammaticus whilst we're at it). I do like the miniature though - its refreshing to see a female character in a powerful position getting her dues. The tight braids coupled with the paint job from the Warhammer community is excellent.
Angron himself in daemon primarch form is awesome too. The sculpt is much more detailed that the 40k version. Which, with all kindness, should be expected from resin. With this said though, I still actually really like the 40k sculpt. Unlike with Fulgrim, I have a hard time trying to pick the "best" between the 30k and 40k versions (Fulgrim's head is easily better in the 30k resin form!). But for Angron I could actually go almost either way. The wings on 30k Angron are truly massive - very reminiscent of Fulgrim in a lot of ways. The leg joints are not quite what I'd imagined though - I thought he would have the extra joint like he is always pictured with. Equally, it could be just the angle we are viewing it from? I'd like to see more. The head is very good regardless and the sheer detail in the skulls is immense. I'd honestly happily play either miniature in a 30k game (as I would with Fulgrim - but honestly the 30k mini looks better despite the rules). Looking forward to hearing more about the rules for 30k Angron to see what he can do in comparison to his primarch form.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Power Spear/Lance World Eaters - Painted
Continuing on the World Eaters painting theme of recent weeks, I've now completed the power spear wielding assault marine.
Yet more blood for the blood god and splattered red contrast paint makes for a superlative contrast to the regular whites of the armour. The decals include the assault symbol on the left shin, the legion icon in the middle of the chest, and on the left shoulder pad (not really visible in the above image) is the War Hounds icon, suggestive of a more loyal time and place. Which is how I like it considered that I wanted to suggest that this squad may plausibly be loyalists.
The base of this marine is also interesting and a blend of a plastic barrel from the 40k battlefield terrain range, coupled with resin parts in my bits box and a liberal application of grunge from Armageddon basing paint. A bit of contrast paint and dry brushing finishes the effects nicely.
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Falax Blades on World Eaters Assault Marine Painted
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Company Command Squad
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Painted World Eaters Jump Pack Marine
There's just something about the blood for the blood god paint, combined with contrast red paint flicked on to that white of the World Eaters that makes everything come together nicely. Maybe "nicely" isn't quite the right word, but you know what I'm getting at.
This is the one with the Dark Angels power maul coupled with a head swap for the sake of depicting the nails. Naturally, this is a loyalist marine who has been betrayed I suspect! He's a bit angry about everything that has been going on and seeks justice for it all.