Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Krios Squadron

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars, rounded down. The rules are reasonably good overall.

A battle tank that is swift and deceptively skeletal in appearance. Its armour is essentially provided by overlapping power fields and its true origin is unknown. What is known is that it falls outside of the STC constructs and therefore doesn't appear outside of mechanicum forces. 

The main strength of the tank comes from its primary weapon. There are two variants. The first is the lightning cannon which I see as being well able to handle marines and other lighter tanks. The second is the pulsar fusil which is more of a terminator killer overall. 

Other worthy notes here are the movement rate of 16 which makes it incredibly fast and easy to position.

Watch out for the rear armour of 10!

3x Krios, Lightning Cannons (375 points).
In all honesty, the "naked" version is great. I actually don't think the pulsar fusil is quite worth it. Add some hunter killer missiles to taste. The triple tank version is very nice and can take out many targets that you set your sights on short of those all round armour=14 tanks. 

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