Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Leman Russ Assault Squadron

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
2.5/5 stars. Rounded up but only just. Expensive.

Slower moving. Heavier weapons. Shorter ranged. Executioners. Incinerators. They mount weapons typically seen in the space marine legions rather than the regular army. 

The demolisher cannon is great. To be honest, so is the plasma cannon and the macro-saker. Can't really go too wrong depending on the battle field role that you have in mind. 

I like the cheap extra Leman Russ tanks that you can add here, and those are worth the cost. 

AV=10 to the rear is a significant issue here.

The points cost for the initial tank is also not worth it, so you should make up for this fact through buying MORE tanks. 

3 x Leman Russ, Plasma Cannon, auto cannon on hull, dozer blade (585 points).
Same price for different primary weapons here of course. I like the dozer blade due to the shorter range on the weapons and the probably real need to move into position. I can see a case for a front mounted las cannon, perhaps a pintle multi laser, and hunter killer missile. But honestly the points cost doesn't quite justify it against the strike squadron which is where I'd be more tempted to place the missile. 

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