Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Questoris Knight Megaera

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4.5/5 stars. Rounded down. The rules are great!

Rare to unknown for many households, the Megaera is a marvel of a forgotten age. It is piloted by only the worthy, or those who have won the right in battle or duels. Bonding with this machine is as much an honour as it is deadly: the leaking radiation will eventually damage the pilot regardless of any matter of prestige. 

Although sharing the same weaknesses as the Styrix in the stat line (low I and A), the lightning cannon is worthy of a good examination. With S=7 and AP3, this is a marine killer. Although there's only 1 shot here, it is a large blast and comes with added rules like rengins and exoshock (let alone shred) which makes it viable across a large array of targets from lighter tanks to tankier infantry. This is backed up by the phased plasma fusil which also has the AP3 line.

The knight can take the standard reaper chain sword, but I feel the upgrade to the siege claw is well worth it here. 

I actually like this knight!
Megaera, Lightning Cannon, Siege Claw (410 points).
Well worth the points here. Take out marines or transports from range (don't forget the irad cleanser if within range). Charge in with the claw and take care of more vehicles. 


Kadhrin said...

Commenting for the spelling of Magera vs Megaera so this post is findable in a search on Megaera :-)
Thanks for all the work on posting these!

jabberjabber said...

Thanks for the correction! (Some combination of my own sloppiness and auto-correct). I have now changed spellings!

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