Thursday, April 11, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Silent Fury

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars, rounded down. Cheap enough and solid choice. 

A jet bike mounted sister of silence! What's not to like? She is essentially the scouting element of the force and directs other elements of the army to where they are needed the most. When not in battle, she will be hunting down rogue psychic power users for the Tithe. 

The real strength here is the swift movement rate of 18 inches. Otherwise she shares most properties of the Silent Judge in the state line and the special rules. 

The jet bike component also allows for deep striking which is nice but not always needed given the movement rate, so perhaps the outflank rule is better used here?

T=3 once again which I find a bit odd since usually mounted characters like this get a T or W boon. Not here though. 

Silent Judge, Power Weapon (75 points).
This is the baseline build. The standard snare cannon is actually a reasonable choice here for the jet bike too. I might be tempted by the needle cannon from a pinning point of view too - could be really a powerful choice.

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