Friday, April 12, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Questora Cadre

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. Strong choice.

Dedicated to the Great Tithe and to hunting down those pesky rogue psykers, this Cadre passes judgement on not only those psykers but all around them as well. 

These Sisters are the Judgement Chamber's personal retinue for a HQ. They bring stubborn and precision shots along with the chosen warrior rule for extra interest. 

The stat line is double wounds here which make them excellent, although the BS drops to 4. They tote Vratine bolt guns which have the psy-shock rule. Arguably the biggest strength is the degree of customization possible. I'd be tempted by the assault needler myself for the pinning option alongside its chief effect. Compression tanks are cool if you're taking flamers too. I am also rather partial to the snare guns. 

T=3. Given the WS=5, this is probably a good bet to get into close combat as soon as possible and the power weapons make good options here.  

Questora Cadre x3, Flamers with Compression Tanks (95 points).
I'm not claiming this is amazing, but it gets my vote just for the compression tanks. Not even sorry. 

Questora Cadre x5, Assault Needlers, 2 snare guns (130 points). 
I just like it once again. 

Questora Cadre x9, Power Weapons, 2 Heavy Flamers with Compression Tanks, Augury Scanner, Nuncio Vox (260 points).
Getting maxed out here. Change the heavy flamers to another option to taste and ignore my obsession with compression tanks. 

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