Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Silent Judge

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3/5 stars. Cheap and average rules. 

These ladies are the interrogators of the Sisters of Silence. Which I find odd given their silence? Anyhow, they find all those hidden psykers in the population and carve their way toward them relentlessly. 

An average profile for a human leader, but with BS=5 and WS=5 which is nice. 

Their special rules include some precision shots and strikes which is nice, along with hatred of psykers, daemons, and the corrupted. They are stubborn and from the Chamber of Judgement which means they will like going toe to toe with those that they hate. 


Silent Judge, Power Fist, Heavy Flamer (85 points).
I like the power fist for the close encounters (although with the base stat line of S=3, its not exactly amazing). I also like the heavy flamer for nice attacks and fluffiness, although this doesn't take advantage of the BS=5, so maybe replace with an archeotech pistol just to try out those precision shots and BS=5 that way? Can't complain at the points cost. 


  1. So as someone who plays SoS almost exclusively I can tell you with confidence you've really underestimated our Silent Judge. Among their strengths are the fact that she (and her unit) count as a whopping 12 inches further away for shooting, and her Excrutia Armatus means that most units can't react to her. She is a damn nightmare when used right.

  2. Don't get me wrong - I really like the character, but I think the Centura is one I like much better! (Personal opinion).

  3. But yes - the 12 inches away is a bitter pill to swallow for opponents!
