Sunday, April 7, 2024

eBay this week: 2x Rogue Trader Chaos Dreadnoughts and Zombie Dragon!

Okay everyone, I'm selling off my Rogue Trader era Chaos Space Marine / Renegade Dreadnoughts! These have been languishing in my collection for literally decades (since the 1980s). They have not seen the light of day, nor been played with since the late 1990s and its honestly time to sell them off to a new home. They've got milliput inside, and pins, but I wouldn't expect any problems with postage since they're very blocky and robust. 

I've also got a squad of Eldar Swooping Hawks in metal that need to be sold, as well as a job lot of Fire Dragons

And finally, a 1985 Zombie Dragon! I feel old just writing that. 

There's also the re-listings from things that haven't sold from previous weeks. Hopefully they'll find a happy new home as I carry on clearing out the decks to make space for newer projects!

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