Sunday, April 7, 2024

Painted Iron Hands Praetor / Siege Breaker

One painted Iron Hands Praetor or Siege Breaker (to serve as either)
Standing on a broken las cannon, this praetor features a thunder hammer and bolt pistol. The paint scheme is the same matte approach that I've taken previously with the black actually being dark grey in colour and liberal amounts of Nuln oil also being used. The hammer has an accent of some blues, and the decals round out the miniature along with some edging and chipping on the model. 

Originally, I was going to have this marine as part of my Shattered Legions force. But having seen the new rules, it is deeply unlikely I will field any Shattered Legions forces now in Second Edition - its just a mess from what I've read. That's a review for a different day though. Maybe I'll just field them as Black Shields and be done with it. Equally, I do have enough miniatures for allied detachments regardless so I'll probably stick with that. 

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