Monday, April 8, 2024

Painted Possessed

A batch of painted possessed completed recently. These marines follow the off-centre colour scheme started with my Gal Vorbak which features blue flesh, alongside more typical Word Bearer colouration coupled with a head replacement on one of them for a more human touch which I think makes it more fearful and imposing. The blue could do with a touch more highlighting, and the reds a touch more shading to be honest. But they're tabletop ready otherwise. 

I plan to use them as a second unit of Gal Vorbak ultimately. They are of roughly the same size and scale as the Gal Vorbak and can certainly take a spot alongside them without too much issue. That said, I would be the first to admit that I prefer the Forge World sculpts of the original Gal Vorbak, but these do rather well. 

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