Saturday, March 9, 2024

Iron Hands Siege Breaker / Praetor

It is not the new siege breaker model. Not sorry. This miniature is a bit of a kit bash to produce a Siege Breaker - or possibly praetor - to lead my Iron Hands detachment (or indeed lead a Shattered Legions contingent -- really looking forward to those new rules now!). 

Clearly the thunder hammer and the bolt pistol are from the plastic range, whereas the torso and legs are resin parts from the Forge World resin range for the Iron Hands. The shoulder pads are similarly bespoke from Games Workshop. 

I've also gone a bit of a adventure with the basing. The las cannon on the base is from the Imperial Guard range and sources from the sentinel if memory serves. Balancing the miniature on top of the cannon was a bit of trial and error (which is to say: lots of dry fitting!). The base otherwise has Armageddon Dunes painted on to it ready for undercoating. I think it has worked well enough though and communicates - arguably - some of the desperation of the drop site massacre which it what I originally intended when I set out. This miniature is meant to be a survivor and a leader for the scattered and shattered forces that he has been able to gather around himself following that campaign. 

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