Saturday, March 9, 2024

Emperor's Children Phoenix Warden / Praetor

The second post in one day? Certainly! As noted in my plans for the months ahead, my top priority is to explore the Emperor's Children range and build a small detachment. I have long been intrigued by the loyalist aspect of the legion. After reading Fulgrim and the other novels surrounding the Isstvan campaign, I can see myself tilting nicely toward having a loyalist third legion element to complement my (obviously also loyal) Alpha Legion. It will also sit nicely with the Iron Hands forces that I have: either for friendly shattered legions purposes, pre-heresy, or serve as a traitor counter point!

I have gone out of my way to source the parts for this one. The main body is most obviously from the Palatine Blades. The spear is a phoenix spear, and the resin shoulder pad is one of the Emperor's Children. The jet pack is also from the resin range that I specifically bought for this miniature. Although not obvious from the image, the bolt pistol is from the vanguard veterans range and features filigree along the main body. Arms and plastic shoulder pad are obvious enough. The head is from the new heads range released by Games Workshop - I intend the hair to be painted platinum white, but I really liked the dynamism here. It is not a strong as with Eidolon, but really suits the Third Legion aesthetic. The head is also positioned very carefully to be looking square down the barrel of the bolt pistol. The pose is intended to communicate a fluidity of movement with the bolt pistol leader, and the spear positioned behind his back ready for striking at the opportune moment!

Meanwhile the base consists of four lengths of plastic pipework buried underneath a plastic door that I had lying around. I've glued a lot of debris around this to suggest a ruined battlescape where this character has landed. He will provide a beautiful and elegant counter point to the otherwise hard edged Iron Hands siege breaker posted earlier today.

Overall, I am more than pleased with how this conversion and kit bash has turned out! Really flexing some creative muscles now! 

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