Friday, March 8, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Custodian Venatari Squad

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️
1.5/5 stars, rounded up. The rules are below par and this is not a unit you are likely to see on the battlefield as other units perform the same job better, for less points cost.

Predatory eagle minded Custodians who haunt the rafters. These Venatari are a very peculiar breed although the title is supposed to be a high honour.

I like the melta bombs - can't lie. With that said, this is a unit that suffers from something of a lack of focus, or if it has focus, then others do things almost as good or better for the same points. Equally, I must be one of the only people I've ever known who likes the miniatures for these Custodians!

The bucklers are interesting for some helpful protection against certain types of incoming attacks. Their own attacks in turn are reasonable but the upgrade to the lance is very attractive for the AP=2 component alone. 

For the points cost, there are other units that do things better. The grav vehicles and jetbikes are better. The ground slogging troops can move almost as fast and hit well. Perhaps the points cost is for deep striking. If so, then there are still other units who do it better. In all honesty, this is not a unit that I can recommend to the reader. 

3 Venatari, All with Lances (260 points).
Far too expensive for what they are and what they can do. Sure, the attacks are nice, and the deep strike great. But who is going to bother except for those people like me who just like the miniatures. Most people don't even like the sculpts which suggests my tastes are poor!, but my advice still stands.  

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