Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Pallas Attack Speeder Squadron

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3/5 stars. The rules are solid.

The hunter killer grav craft employed by the Custodes. They're skimmers and they're rather fast and dashing. As you might expect, they are used for hit and run exercises which they are well able to perform. 

Another skimmer in the fast attack section, this time with armour values. They come with a flare shield to help keep them alive as well as the usual deep strike and outflank. What I really like about them are the blaze cannons. These are simply splendid for what they do: S=8 and AP=2 with two blasts, albeit at short range make them a threat to many things in the game. And these vehicles are cheap enough to have a full squad of them without breaking a sweat. 

The armour values make this an easy-to-kill craft fundamentally - as well as being a priority target. 

3 Pallas Attack Speeders (180 points).
The full squad, without any other upgrades is the way to go here. I would not want to swap out the blaze cannons for the devastators as the AP is just inferior. Stick to the blaze cannons here. The points cost is nice and cheap here which is attractive enough to use them. 

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