Monday, March 4, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Agamatus Jetbike Squadron

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. Rounded down - just. An odd unit but capable of knight destroying.

A custom grav-skimmer rode by the Custodes. They serve a role of rapid response and suppression for the army and do it rather well. 

The movement rate of 16 is very impressive. The solarite power lance is similarly great with AP=1 and at S=10. These Custodes will get into position very rapidly and hit even harder where they need to. And in an army that lacks something in the armour killing department at range, this is a very good addition. In short then, this is a knight killing unit. 

Only 1 attack base is poor. But perhaps you only need that since you'll get the charge in, and if you're facing something like a knight, then that is also a nemesis unit, so you probably get 3 attacks on the charge. Not brilliant. But hopefully that'll be all that you need?

3 Agamentus, 1 with Las Pulser (300 points).
I like the las pulser for the heavy 3 S=9 attacks. But oh my, it costs a lot of points to upgrade. Equally, three of these are a bit overkill, but sometimes will be nice. They could certainly soften up an armoured target before a charge though, so worth having at least one in my opinion. 

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