Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Telemon Heavy Dreadnought

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️
2.5/5 stars, rounded down. Not as good as it should be. 

Hand crafted by the Emperor himself (well - at least one part of the armour is), the Telemon is an exceptionally rare beast. Only the most remarkable Custodes gets to be interred, and the order would sooner the dreadnoughts remain unoccupied than some lesser Custode pilot it. Truly a waste of resources!

With 8 wounds, this is a dreadnought much like a Leviathan but with bonus durability! The stat line is seriously impressive - and intimidated.

The best part are the ranged weapons. The accelerator with S=8 and AP=3 is the pick of the bunch to be honest. That's not to say the rest of them are bad, they're just too short range. Except for the default bolt launcher which is still nice.

The melee weapons are deadly to say the least. S=10 and AP=2 is excellent. Even nicer is the sunder rule, just a pity we miss out on brutal to be candid. 

The movement rate is 6. I'm going to repeat that. The movement rate is 6. It is just too slow to get where it needs to be, sorry. And the weapons range is too short. This is not a unit that is realistically going to see much play, even though the model is epic and cool. I mean, play the model, but just don't expect much?

Telemon with Iliastus Accelerator Culverin (390 points).
Expensive. Slow. But nice range and melee potential. The main problem is that the core of your army will get there first. 

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