Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Orion Assault Dropship

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. Worth it. 

Specifically creates for the Custodes. This is a drop ship that can carry a whole load of them into the fight, precisely where they need to be and fend off on-coming attacks whilst scouring a landing zone simultaneously. 

With front armour of 13 and 7 hull points, this is a craft that should make it to where it needs to be. Helping this out is the eclipse shield which functions a bit like a flare shield but with added shrouding sauce in case of bad outcomes. 

The transport capacity of 24 stands out here. You're going to fit a lot in. 

In addition to this the fire power is fairly prolific. Blaze cannons, bolt cannons, and bolt launchers combine to make 40 (I think I've calculated that number correctly) S=6 shots per turn. Ouch. 

You will need to carefully consider what it is transporting in those 24 capacity slots. And then worry about positioning so as to not get shot in the relatively more vulnerable sides and rear. It is not going to go down fast, but a weight of firepower from an enemy can prove devastating. 

There are no options to consider here. 

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