Thursday, March 21, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Ares Gunship

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. Prodigious firepower. 

This is a flyer that has been in use since the Unity wars on old Terra. The firepower alone was enough to make the Chancellor of the Antipodean Penninsula (wonder where that is?) capitulate and surrender to the Emperor. 

In many ways, this flier is similar to the Orion. It has 7 hull points with front AV=13 and an eclipse shield.

But the thing that really shines here is the pure firepower. The whole craft is built around two heavy blaze cannons and a magna-blaze cannon. These things are deadly. Lots of shots at S=9 and S=10 (destroyer) with exoshock means that this will kill tanks and other armour with contempt to spare. 

The firebomb clusters are nice, but very much not needed here - this is a shooting gunship and not a bombing gunship really. That, and you will probably have your footsloggers in position before the gunship arrives in the game. It is a great addition if you are thinking about having a Lords of War, but I think the Orion just about edges it in a competition between the two. It still looks very cool though and I've seen one or two in the wild - a gorgeous model!

There are no options to consider here. 

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