Sunday, March 17, 2024

This Week's eBay: Primus Medicae, Great Unclean One, Dragonlance, and Quantum Gothic

This week on eBay, I have several items for sale. As per usual, I am selling older bits and pieces that haven't seen much recent use and I want to turn them into cash to fund the next additions to my collection. Or as my wife says: I have to get rid of things before buying new things. So help your bro out?!

The first one is a Mint Condition Primus Medicae. Now, I suspect my long time readers will wonder why on earth I want to sell this one rather than use it? In truth, I've not quite figured out how to best use it. I originally bought it to slot in with my Alpha Legion Lernaeans - the extra IWND rolls are crazy good in principle, but my use of the elites slot usually counts against me here I have to say. Hence the Primus Medicae has been sat in his box for half an eternity - I basically bought it upon release. This is unopened in its box. 

The second one is one of my treasured possessions. A metal Realms of Chaos / Rogue Trader Era Great Unclean One of Nurgle. Why sell such an item? I actually have two of them, but neither have been used in a decade. I don't intend to use them either. So its time. He has seen many battles and many victories and defeats. He's also a little delicate, so I promise to wrap him carefully for postage. 


The third one is a Catalyst Missile Launcher from Quantum Gothic. I've been using it as scenery and terrain on and off for years. But given how I've never painted it, and how I've got plenty of other terrain, it is surplus to requirements. I've seen some interesting conversions for Whirlwinds and similar using this piece, so go wild if you want!

And finally on the roleplaying game front, I am offering up the core of my Classic Dragonlance collection. Classics volumes 1, 2, and 3, as well as Dragonlance Adventures as a single job lot. I haven't so much as opened them up in a decade and my younger family don't show too much interest. Plus I need space on the shelves. I hope these will find a great new home as they have certainly been well loved over many, many years, and over no fewer than three total play-throughs with a variety of RPG groups over the years prior. If you buy this, please play it and give it life once more - I'd love to hear if your group plays them through!

Good luck to anyone bidding! I'll have more up in future weeks as I clear out some older stuff to make way for newer items. 


  1. I love the Primus Medicae but it screams Death Guard to me with the apron giving the 'distended belly' Nurgle vibe. Just completed mine recently otherwise I'd have chewed your arm off! Nice Missile Launcher thingy though! Hmm...

  2. It really does bellow Death Guard in terms of the sculpt! Not so much the quick legions like White Scars or Raven Guard it has to be said, or even the graceful ones like Emperor's Children or Blood Angels. Just my opinion though! I was thinking about slotting it in with my Iron Warriors, but the problem is (in game) transportation. Could work well with Pride of the Legion, but I'm not intending on running that.
