Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Sagittarum Guard Squad

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️
1.5/5 stars, rounded down. Not useful.

Sentinels on the walls of the palace itself. These Custodians practice long range and precise application of firepower to destroy the foe.

I need to be a bit brutal here. There's not much point in this unit. You are effectively exchanging your custodian spear for something resembling a heavy bolter. The only up side is the one-shot disintegration shot. This is totally worth while and the only reason it gets 1.5 stars rather than a flat 1 star rating from me.

By and large everything about this unit is not useful. This is a melee army fundamentally, with some fast moving high AP units to help out with knight killing when absolutely required. These Sagittari are just not worth it. 

3 Sagittari, 1 with Vexilla and Destructor (185 points).
I suppose if you just have to field this unit in second edition, then it will look something like this. Maybe with extra bodies if you must. Its just too expensive for what it is doing and I've never once seen them played.

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