Monday, March 11, 2024

Wargames Gallery: Infiltrators

What happens when the two sneakiest legions meet?

In this case, the Alpha Legion has just declared a charge against Raven Guard Mor Deythan armed with melta and bolt gun. The combi-meltas have already been fired though, and the Alpha Legion tactical squad can be seen in a whittled down moment. After the charge, the Alpha Legion do well and exchange blows with the Raven Guard. The key difference though is the power fist on the Alpha Legion squad leader that really rips apart the Mor Deythan. Victory here goes to the Alpha Legion. What is left of the Mor Deythan routs, and the Alpha Legion sweep them off the battlefield for good - albeit at a heavy cost to the remains of the squad wherein only half the squad remain! But they've accounted for the enemy at a 2:1 ratio, so its a more than reasonable melee for the Hydra. 

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