Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Caladius Grav-Tank

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars, rounded up. Although expensive, these grav tanks have a solid place in this army.

Hailing from the dark age of technology, this grav tank combines the anti-gravity technology of a bygone age with the ability to bring a strong weapon to the middle of the battlefield. 

If you are going to take this tank, then you will want the Arachnus Blaze Cannon upgrade. Seriously: this is just a beast on the battlefield. It has lance and is a bit like a lascannon otherwise with exoshock in play as well. This is incredible and has the potential to wipe a tank off the battlefield every turn. Combined with the movement rate of 16, I regard the points cost as worthwhile here even if it is slightly on the pricey side. 

The armour values leave something to be desired with 13 on the front and sides, and a mere 11 on the rear. You will need to carefully watch your positioning. 

Caladius Grav-Tank with Arachnus Blaze Cannon  (260 points).
Yes it is slightly on the expensive side considering its defensive capability. But the offensive capability will leave your opponents weeping when played correctly. It might also leave you with few friends. So maybe only take one of them. Two at most. I mean, three is great of course. 

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