Friday, November 10, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Acastus Knight Porphyrion

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules are good.

What is the machine limit that a single human mind can safely interface with? Apparently it is the Porphyrion, after which you will need more minds to take care of the scout class titans. This is a different class of knight altogether compared to the ones thus far visited. It is not only rare, but often taken to be the symbol of a household and few are ever seen.

Two magna las cannons, two autocannons, and an iron storm missile pod. This beast is a long ranged threat that does not necessarily need to move for most of the game. 

On top of this, the stat line is very impressive with 14 on the front, no less than 9 hull points and an innate S=10 coupled with a still respectable movement rate of 12. 

You take the risk of a catastrophic explosion here, and the I=A=3 isn't good at all. But what do you care? Sit back and take lots of shots all game.

Also, you can only ever take one of these full stop. This is, of course, sensible game design. This said, the points cost alone is a significant issue here as well. It is on the borderline of being worth it if one thinks about taking a few whirlwind style tanks and other batteries of lascannons somehow -- your playstyle and mileage may vary. 

Porphyrion, Magna Lascannons, Hull Lascannons, Hyperios Whirlwinds (655 points).
I've upgraded the autocannons to lascannons here to better match the high strength output. The Hyperios warheads are deliberately selected for the anti-air role. Of course, you can keep the non-upgraded version just as readily as it will output more shots over a larger area which will kill plenty of mechanicum and Imperial Guard units. But if you're facing marines, then I think the above is a better option. 

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