Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Reaver Battle Titan

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
5/5 stars. Nothing not to like here!

A battle titan in name, and in role. The Reaver is a most ancient design of Mars, and sees use throughout all of the Titan Legions.

I will refer the humble reader back to the general notes that I made concerning the Warhound Titan in the previous post. 

Look, if you're taking a Reaver Titan, then you are probably playing either a super massive points value game of Horus Heresy, OR you are taking part in a specific tournament / titan walk event. Otherwise, you're probably using it for the most massive objective imaginable? There's void shields here, there's lots of armour, and there's three titan weapons to choose between. Take your pick. It is actually all good here - there are no bad choices. 

I'm not sure what to write here since the Reaver is just wonderful to my biased eyes! That said, see my notes below about permitted builds in this edition versus the previous one.

All of the four weapon choices here are great. But why we are not permitted to have a carapace mounted laser in this edition is beyond me. Please FAQ this! And what about the carapace vortex??

Reaver Battle Titan with Apocalypse Launcher, Laser Blaster, Titan Close Combat Weapon
This is probably a base line Reaver. It contains a mix of D weapons, large blasts, and the close combat weapon to make sure you move the thing to take advantage of it. 

No longer valid in this edition WHY??? Reaver Battle Titan with carapace-mounted vortex missile, 2 laser blasters
Very nasty turn 1 launch with the vortex missile to take out any close clumps of things you dislike, followed up by lots of D class shots. And lots more D class blast shots every turn thereafter. Nasty. Just nasty. Replace the vortex missile with a carapace mounted double-barrelled turbo laser destructor if you like, for sustained D shots every turn.

No longer valid in this edition WHY??? Reaver Battle Titan with carapace-mounted double-barrelled turbo laser destructor, 1 melta cannon, 1 volcano cannon.
Sit back. Blast away. Replace the volcano cannon with a laser baster to taste. But beware: this is one titan that you will forget to move around.

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