Friday, October 20, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Warbringer Nemesis Titan

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
5/5 stars. Excellent

The Nemesis has a reputation for a restless machine spirit with ghost sensor artifacts that sometimes enable it to lock on before a threat is even sensed by the crew. It is in effect a "heavy support" choice (my words) for the Titan legions and brings heavy weapons to bear in order to bring down enemy titans. Hence the name.

Again, I will refer the humble reader back to the general notes that I made concerning the Warhound Titan in the previous post. 

The Nemesis comes with improved front armour (AV=15) compared to even the Reaver a whopping 6 void shields along with gatling blasters and the carapace mounted quake cannon. The autocannon batteries are not to be sniffed at either. All told this is a very dangerous titan that has an apocalyptic mega blast with the quake cannon and can take out targets with uneasy regularity. 

All this in mind, the same caveat applies here as it does to the Reaver: you're not taking it in regular games. Its either massive games, or specific Titan games. The upgrades are all good. 

None really. Maybe AV=12 at the rear needs to be thought about in terms of positioning?

Warbringer Nemesis Titan, Nemesis Quake Cannon, 2 Gatling Laser Blasters.
Naked, and specifically for removing power armour enemies, or enemy mechanicum?

Warbringer Nemesis Titan, Nemesis Volcano Cannon, 2 Volcano Cannons.
Lots of AP1 from volcanoes all round. The nasty anti-titan build. Replace the arms with melta cannons for a bit of a closer ranged threat?

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