Sunday, October 15, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Warhound Scout titan

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
5/5 stars. Its a titan. You can bring it to games under 3000 points. Splendid!

The smallest of the true titans! It is classed as a scout as it moves quickly and can be deployed as such by the legions.


I'm broadly copying my notes from First Edition here since they still apply. So let's be honest about something. If we're taking a titan, we're probably going to be opposed with titans. Therefore, I strongly would recommend that any titan is equipped with at least one strength D weapon to try to counter any enemy titans or super heavies. Admittedly, S10 is a close second, but its not quite the same. The ability to take these weapons should not be overlooked!

Titans are treated as gargantuan creatures in assault and can therefore make stomp attacks which is easy to forget when you're playing with all that shooting power. The final "strength" to remember is that titans can move. Yep. Seriously. They have legs. They walk, jog and run. Remember to think about this: it is a mobile weapons platform after all.

It is the smallest class titan, so "only" has 2 void shields. You can live with this. The reactor meltdown should also be a weakness, but in all honesty, it is fun when they go boom and Princips shout "Engine Death" - as you should. 

Warhound Scout Titan, 2 Vulcan Megabolters
Don't bother unless you know for certain there are no other super heavies or land raiders on the enemy side. Pumping out 30 AP3 shots every turn will rapidly decimate any space marine army otherwise. No fun for the opponent in this regard (but then, you're taking a titan!).

Warhound Scout Titan, 2 double-barrelled turbo laser destructors
 D weapons with a 5" blast every turn is serious business. This is the kind of titan that is ready for anything. Nothing in the game cannot be handled by it. Take it.

Warhound Scout Titan, 1 plasma blast gun, 1 double-barrelled turbo laser destructor
A more balanced titan (if such a thing exists! lol!), the massive blasts from the plasma gun is amazing at range and fun to play. Its also high strength and is flexible (depending on if you're facing hordes for instance). And the laser destructors are for the enemy titans to contend with.

Warhound Scout Titan, 1 plasma blast gun, 1 vulcan mega-bolter
A more "standard" configuration, but one this is frankly, not as effective as the two previous examples unless you are playing full scale Adeptus Titanicus.

I cannot say I'm a fan of the inferno cannon, but can see some of its merit in flushing out power armour opponents for a swift moving war hound.

1 comment:

  1. I feel that the Inferno Gun having Destroyer has been overlooked. It makes for a pretty potent light-to-medium-vehicle killer
