Sunday, October 29, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Knight Questoris

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules are good.

The Questoris Knight is the most common form of knight in the Imperium. It saw vast use during the Heresy and comes in a variety of different configurations.

With 7 hull points and 13 armour on the front, they have a very reasonable stat line (although the 12 armour on the other facings will make the player think harder about positioning and angle). They are able to be configured in every manner (Paladin, Errant, and so forth). Hence the flexibility that this knight offers is good and when combined with the relatively quick movement of 10, they really do pose a good threat to most things on the table. 

Massed firepower can and will bring down knights with this chassis - make no mistake. Although it won't explode, the controlling player really does need to think carefully about optimizing the build and purpose of these beasts. 

There are many builds available here. I'll go through some of the more common ones. 

Knight Paladin, Reaper Chainsword, Batle Cannon, Stormspear Rocket Pod (405 points).
A classic set up which is mid range and a bit of a swiss army knife able to take on many roles. I added the storm spear because why not. 

Knight Errant, Reaper Chainsword, Thermal Cannon (380 points).
Up close and personal. Tanks and heavy infantry are your targets here. Take the front mounted melta gun for added fun.

Knight Crusader, Battle Cannon, Gatling Cannon, Twin-Linked Icarus Autocannon (415 points).
Long range fire support, and anti-air to boot. 

Knight Gallant, Reaper Chainsword, Thunderstrike Gauntlet, Ironstorm Missile Pod (410 points). 
Melee knight.

Knight Warden, Thunderstrike Gauntlet, Gatling Cannon, Ironstorm Missile Pod (415 points).
A mixed bag. Good against lighter vehicles and infantry. 


  1. Oh I'm excited to see the start of the Knight reviews for 2.0. I found some resin arms while I was reorganizing my bitz box and it looks like I've got the makings of an Atrapos and an Acheron for some reason that I don't exactly remember buying. I seem to remember the Acheron was useful in 1.0 for the big template but the Atrapos was hard to fit into lists.

    Also I've got the big Volkite gun from that one knight but I bought that for a particularly silly project where I wanted to mount it on a Sicaran Venator chassis... that I never ended up buying. One of these days I need to finish something.

  2. Any thoughts on the lack of Night Vision, Searchlights, Augury Scanners, etc? In this edition, the first turn is usually Night Fighting if even one player wishes it so, and who wouldn't given the ready availability of Augury Scanners? Any thoughts on the Questoris Imperialis knights' first-turn handicap?
