Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Knight Lancer

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4.5/5 stars. Rounded down. The rules are very good.

The Cerastus Knight comes in several different configurations. The Lancer is the best known. They race ahead of their forces to engage enemy champions in single combat and are regarded as impetuous, yet simultaneously held in high regard. 

Strictly better than the Questoris Knight, the Ceratus has a greater movement rate of 14, a higher strength of 9, and one more attack. 

The Lancer comes with the Shock Lance and Ion Gauntlet Shield combination. Heavy 6 on the shock lance is really good, but it is at very close range. The S=7 and AP3 are still great, but concussive makes it even tastier. In close combat the S=10 and AP1 are just phenomenal. That's before we mention the added rules of reach and exoshock. It sits in an incredible sweet spot. 

Get your positioning and timing right and you will love playing with the Knight Lancer. Get it wrong and you will quickly be eliminated. 

There are no builds to speak of. Instead I will note here that the base points cost is reasonable for what you are getting.

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