Thursday, October 26, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Armiger Helverin Talon

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. A great long range shooting threat.

Piloted by lesser retainers and wannabes, the human on board strives to one day be worthy of an entry level job in a Household. These are long range armigers and can happily sit at the back taking shots at others all game. 

As with the Warglaive, the stat line reads well with S=T=7, and six wounds. Perhaps the only thing lacking here is the WS=BS=4, but this is a reflection of the fact that the pilots might be veterans outside of noble lineage, but are otherwise ordinary human beings. 

The main weapons here are the Phaeton Autocannons. These pump out two shots each (four shots per model) at a truly impressive 64 inch range at S=7. Sure, the AP3 is a slight issue, but there is rending to help a little bit. There are also two types of rounds, one for ignoring cover and one for sundering. Both are excellent. 

You will need either this unit, or the Warglaive alternative, in order to field Knights. This is more of a comment than a weakness overall though and represents arguably the biggest change to the army list from first edition: specifically 2 troops choices give you a Lord of War. A real weakness is not being able to take Moirax with your knights (sigh). 

Rules wise, they can be pinned, and they can be swept after an unfortunate combat. Best to think of them as mini-monsters from this point of view perhaps. With a mere 3+ armour save as well. 

2 Helverins, Phaeton Autocannons (400 points).
Using them in a unit of two gives a fantastic 8 shots per turn at S=7 which will prove a threat to many things on the board. Sure, a lone Helverin is also useful, I just like increasing the number of long range shots myself. 

1 comment:

  1. Note: the Armiger Talon special rule works like the Dreadnought Talon special rule - multiple Armigers can purchased as a single Troops choice, and these must be deployed together, but from the start of the game they operate as separate, individual units.
