Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Armiger Warglaive Talon

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. I really like the warglaives. 

Some targets are rightly beneath the notice of other Knights. The Warglaives' job is to take care of these threats such as infantry trying to clamp on some melta bombs and the like. 

The combination of the reaper chain blade and rthe thermal lance makes the Warglaive a good proposition against a lot of units in the game. The high strength and low armour penetration combination is a winner. The heavy stubber can be swapped out for a melta gun for more melting fun if required. 

The stat line reads well with S=T=7, and six wounds. Perhaps the only thing lacking here is the WS=BS=4, but this is a reflection of the fact that the pilots might be veterans outside of noble lineage, but are otherwise ordinary human beings. 

They're going to be great against elite enemies like terminators and characters, but are likely to struggle in melee with true marine contemptors (best to shoot these!). 

You will need either this unit, or the Helverin alternative, in order to field Knights. This is more of a comment than a weakness overall though and represents arguably the biggest change to the army list from first edition: specifically 2 troops choices give you a Lord of War. A real weakness is not being able to take Moirax with your knights (sigh). 

Rules wise, they can be pinned, and they can be swept after an unfortunate combat. Best to think of them as mini-monsters from this point of view perhaps. With a mere 3+ armour save as well. 

Warglaive, Reaper Chainblade, Thermal Lance, Melta Gun (215 points).
I like the multiple melta threats here even if it is slightly expensive. Go hunting some enemy armour or take down some terminators before you close to destroy the rest of the unit. Not sure of the ideal number in a unit here as it will depend on your points limit for a given game. 

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