Friday, August 11, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Vultarax Stratos-Automata Squadron

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️
2.5/5 stars, rounded down. The rules a bit poor considering the points cost.

Created on the Forge World of Anetarbraxus, the design was given to Mars as a tribute. It owes very little to the natural world and instead is a terrible amalgamation of parts that don't look like they should gel together individually, but actually do the part whilst looking almost alright. [Or if you're a 40k player: look even better when Nurgle corrupts them into Blight Drones?].

As usual, I really like havoc launchers. But that's just my prejudice. Better though is the ability to have S=6 blasters with disruption shooting as BS=5. This is great. And then there's the movement rate of 16 that these beasts are able to get - fabulous for both positioning and ignoring difficult and dangerous terrain.

The issue that I see here is two fold. Firstly there's the points cost which is just a bit too high to be tempted by. Secondly is that fact you're going to need several of them in order to take down vehicles on their own. There's just better choices out there to be very honest.

3 Vultarax (375 points).
There's only two upgrades to consider. The first is to maximize the squad to 3 models. This is something that you should do to try to ensure some vehicle kills, but again, I'm unconvinced that this is a great option for this battlefield role. Secondly is Paragon of Metal which I wouldn't bother with here. I want to like the model more, I really do, but its just not that highly competitive. Still, they do look good!

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