Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Vorax Battle-Automata Maniple

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3/5 stars. The rules are distinctly average, but might be sub-par on a bad day due to the points cost.

Got too much famine going on in the Forge World? Send in the Vorax for a little bit of population culling - that'll cure it. Grim and Dark. Got mutant vermin issues? Same. Got rogue machine problems? Vorax will search and destroy for you. Got a war going down? Well, same thing once again really. 

The stat line is adequate with a good movement rate T=5 and 3 wounds combined with a 3+ saving throw. The WS=BS=4 is space marine competitive at least. 

The movement is enhanced by the combination of fleet and scout rules, plus the hammer of wrath can really set combat up nicely. The lightning gun itself might be close range, but can do a reasonable duty thanks to rending. I'd certainly be tempted by an irad-cleanser here though. That'll help with the power blade arrays to do some dicing. 

I can't quite decide if the price tag is worth it or not. Maybe just. I wouldn't bother with the Paragon of Metal upgrade though. 

3 Vorax, one with an irad-cleanser (205 points).
We have to take 3 models in order to get the cleanser. I think this is worth considering given what they could be hunting down in a game. 

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