Sunday, August 6, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Ursarax Cohort

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
2.5/5 stars. I've generously rounded up to 3 stars. The rules are somewhat below average. They're a bit lacking without the power fist upgrades which takes their price tag up into the range where you wonder if there's a better unit. 

Thralls, rather than servitors, these beings are purposed as a close combat unit in service of the magos. Formed from human remains of selected people, they retain just enough ability to make good tactical decisions, but need regular grim-dark neural anesthetics to cope which they periodically get. Grim. 

Nice Utan jump packs allow them to get where they need to be quickly and although the WS=4 is very average, their toughness (5) and wounds (3) should allow them to survive long enough to initiate a combat if you think carefully about positioning.

S=4 here is an issue, hence the power fist upgrades are all but mandatory here. The feel no pain roll is almost not worth writing about. 

3 Ursarax, each with two power fists (190 points).
The only build that is viable. However, the points cost here is steep and slowly creeping to not-really-worth-it territory. 

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